Movie World Premiere: OCEANS IN DANGER

Expedition Antarctic Blanc supported with pride the new movie of producer Martina Hirschmeier

Martina wrote on Facebook about today’s premiere:

Martina Hirschmeier

“Tomorrow, Tuesday 19.2.19, 16 o’clock on the stage of the VBE in hall 8 on the #Didacta2019 #Premiere of #Oceans in danger. It is the most international and probably most important project I have ever supervised. Many thanks to the supporters, without whom we would never have been able to manage the project: the #loveyourocean Initiative, Sarah Kinloch #seashepherd Nicolai Duda, Frank, Madeleine von Hohenthal and Benjamin Wenke from #Bracenet, Martin Aigner, Reefcalendar, #Scubazoo, Cornelia Nauen, #Mundusmaris, Line Hindsbjerg, Emily Penn, #Exxpedition, Jenn Russell, #DeutscheMeeresstiftung, Ariel Lucero, Melina, Parinoshka Kobbe, #Tasini, Underwater Worlds, Katrin Haensch, Teresa, #Maketheoceansplasticfree, Mareike Huhn, Katrin Hans, Lena Löschel, #BandaSea, Jochen Werne, #Antarcticblanc, #Guppybag, Marcella Hansch, #MermaidKat, Esther Gonstalla, Ghost Fishing, Healthy Seas, Torben Cord, #Planctonchronicles, #PalmaAquarium, #MHouse. Thanks for the emotional support go to Melanie Künzl and Christina Schröter.”

After meeting Martina for the first time at the world’s largest boat show, it quickly became clear that her heart beats for our oceans and for educating children and young people about the importance of preserving our planet’s ecosystem. It is a great pleasure to support her new project and we are all looking forward to seeing “Oceans in danger” soon.

Jochen Werne
Expedition Leader
Expedition Antarctic Blanc
Facebook post by Martina Hirschmeier prior the movie premiere of Oceans in danger