The Lord Warden Offshore Cup – Tying a stable knot for international relations

The Lord Warden Cup is a 200nm Offshore Sailing Challenge from Dover to Portsmouth and back, with the goal to install a stable international relations between sailors and people. 

The Cup is conjointly organised by the Global Offshore Sailing Team (GOST) and the Royal Cinque Ports Yacht Club Dover (RCPYC)

The Cup has been inspired by the current Lord Warden, Admiral of the Fleet The Lord Boyce, who has been for the Cup’s initiators a role model for a creator of international relations.

The 1st Lord Warden Offshore Cup will take place between Thursday October 10, 2019 and Sunday, October 13, 2019. 

  • 10/10/19 – Noon: Skipper Briefing at the RCPYC
  • 10/10/19 – Afternoon: Start of the Lord Warden Cup outsides the Gates of the Port of Dover using the tide towards Portsmouth
  • 11/10/19 – Arrival at Portsmouth – End of the 1st Leg
  • 11/10/19 – Evening: Program and Commemoration Dinner at Portsmouth 
  • 12/10/19 – Morning: Start of the 2nd Leg of the Lord Warden Cup using the tide towards Dover
  • 13/10/19 – Afternoon: Arrival in Dover 
  • 13/10/19 – Afternoon/Evening: Prize Winning Ceremony at the RCPYC 

The Awards

The Lord Warden Cup

This Cup is awarded to the Winners of the Offshore Sailing Challenge

The Admiral of the Fleet The Lord Boyce Prize

This prize is awarded to the person, group, association or team who contributed most to the goal of creating international understanding within this years’ Lord Warden Cup