The ”High Seas Treaty”

Congratulations to all who have continuously worked to protect our oceans, paving the way for a unique global agreement.

March 2023 is a month of hope, a victory for diplomacy, and a ray of hope for our oceans and us humans living on this beautiful blue planet.

Jochen Werne commenting on the “High Seas Treaty”, the historic agreement reached by UN delegates to protect marine biodiversity in international waters

UN delegates reached a historic agreement to protect marine biodiversity in international waters, referred to by many – though not officially – as the „High Seas Treaty.“ The agreement reached by delegates of the Intergovernmental Conference on Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction, better known by its acronym BBNJ, is the culmination of UN-facilitated talks that began in 2004.    

Following the 1951 Antarctic Treaty, the Convention on the Protection of Marine Biodiversity in International Waters is an important step towards achieving UNEP’s SDG targets and thus a better world for us all.

As members of the Global Offshore Sailing Team, which has been working to promote environmental awareness since 1999, we are very grateful to the dedicated diplomats for reaching such a milestone in history.

For everyone interested please read more on the “High Seas Treaty” here:

  • United Nations: UN delegates reach historic agreement on protecting marine biodiversity in international waters