AIDHNC congratulates GOST on it’s 20th anniversary and the milestones in the field of international understanding

We’ve been honoured by a message arrived from the ASOCIACIÓN PARA LA INVESTIGACIÓN Y DIFUCIÓN DE LA HISTORIA NAVAL DE CUBA. We are grateful that we were able to establish a long-term relationship with this esteemed association and its great members . Together we reached far beyond the boundaries often faced by national politics.

Jochen Werne
Co-Founder Global Offshore Sailing Team

¡EXCELENTE! 20 años de esfuerzos, destinados al matenimiento de las tradiciones e historia naval, a mantener vivas las hazañas de los pioneros exploradores, a unir a la familia naval internacional, a unir pueblos, culturas, a salvaguardar el medio ambiente y a lograr la union de los pueblos con un mensaje de paz y de concordia. Toda esa labor a hecho grande a GOST, que sin dudas hoy ocupa el liderazgo entre la organizaciones de su clase. Nos sentimos profundamente honrados y orgullosos de haber sido un pedacito de esta hazaña de gigantes. ¡Larga vida a Global Offshore Sailing Team! Sois un ejemplo a seguir, una esperanza. FELICITACIONES!!!! Reciban todos su miembros, las muestrasde del más profundo respeto y admiración  de la Asociacion para la Investigacion y Difusión  de la Histora Naval de Cuba. Gracias por existir.

Maximino Gomez Alvarez
Vice-President of the AIDHNC
Historian Maximino Gomez Alvarez with the AIDHNC flag

Translation: EXCELLENT! 20 years of efforts aimed at maintaining naval traditions and history, keeping alive the exploits of pioneer explorers, uniting the international naval family, uniting peoples, cultures, safeguarding the environment and achieving the union of peoples with a message of peace and harmony. All that work has done great to GOST, which undoubtedly today occupies the leadership among the organizations of its kind. We feel deeply honored and proud to have been a bit of this feat of giants. Long live Global Offshore Sailing Team! You are an example to follow, a hope. CONGRATULATIONS! Receive all your members, the deepest respect and admiration of the Association for the Research and Dissemination of the Naval History of Cuba. Thank you for existing.