Expedition Black Sea Dragon: A Voyage of Hope and Resilience

Join the Global Offshore Sailing Team (GOST) aboard the Black Sea Dragon on an enlightening voyage exploring the critical role of maritime routes in global food security. This remarkable expedition has successfully accomplished its goals, shedding light on the essential nature of these oceanic highways in facilitating the transport of crucial foodstuffs, linking continents, and supporting millions who face the daily threat of hunger.

The Fragile Interconnectedness of Global Food Systems

Throughout the journey, the crew encountered and overcame numerous challenges, including the harrowing Suez Canal blockage. Such events starkly reveal the fragile interconnectedness of our global food system and the dire consequences of disruptions in these vital sea routes. The expedition underscores the pressing need for resilient infrastructure and international cooperation to maintain the flow of goods essential for global food security.

African Nations and the Dependence on Imported Wheat

A key focus of the expedition was the dependence of African nations on imported wheat. Many African countries rely heavily on imports to meet their food needs due to local production shortfalls caused by various factors such as climatic conditions, political instability, and economic challenges. The Black Sea Dragon’s journey highlighted how disruptions in maritime transport can exacerbate food insecurity, leading to shortages and spikes in food prices.

The Impact of Maritime Transport on Food Security

Maritime transport is the backbone of global food security, enabling the efficient and cost-effective movement of large quantities of food commodities from surplus regions to areas facing deficits. For example, wheat, a staple food for over 35% of the world’s population, is predominantly transported by sea. Any disruptions in these routes can have severe repercussions, particularly for nations heavily reliant on imports.

The Suez Canal Blockage: A Case Study

A vivid example of the impact of blocked sea routes on global food security is the Suez Canal blockage caused by the container ship Ever Given in March 2021. The blockage, which lasted six days, delayed the passage of over 300 ships, including vessels carrying critical food commodities. This incident highlighted the canal’s crucial role in stabilizing global food prices and availability, underscoring the vulnerability of our food systems to logistical disruptions.

GOST’s Initiative and Its Global Impact

Celebrating its 25th anniversary, the Global Offshore Sailing Team (GOST) leveraged the “Black Sea Dragon” expedition to raise awareness about the importance of open sea routes for food security. “We aim to underscore the significance of uninterrupted sea routes not only for food security but also for fostering international understanding,” stated Jochen Werne, GOST co-founder.

Through the expedition, GOST illustrated how essential stable and secure maritime corridors are to global peace and prosperity. This journey symbolizes hope and a shared responsibility in fostering a just and equitable world.

The Strategic Significance of the Bosporus and Turkey’s Role

The Bosporus Strait is a critical segment of the Turkish Straits, serving as a vital route for the transport of oil, natural gas, and agricultural products. Turkey’s role in maintaining the safety and openness of the Bosporus is paramount, contributing significantly to global trade, energy security, and food accessibility worldwide. By ensuring the efficient flow of goods through this strategic passage, Turkey plays a crucial role in the broader goal of achieving global food security.

Collaborative Efforts in Advancing SDG Goal 2: Zero Hunger

Programs like the World Food Program (WFP) and the Africa First Network play pivotal roles in advancing SDG Goal 2: Zero Hunger. These organizations work tirelessly to address the multifaceted challenges of hunger and food insecurity through initiatives such as emergency food aid, school feeding programs, and improving food security in regions affected by conflict and natural disasters. Their efforts demonstrate the power of global and regional cooperation in moving closer to achieving Zero Hunger.


The integrity of maritime transport routes is not merely an economic issue but a cornerstone in the battle against global hunger. Disruptions in sea routes can lead to severe food shortages, affecting nutritional health, educational outcomes, and economic productivity. International cooperation and stable geopolitical relations are essential to safeguard these lifelines. By maintaining these vital connections, the international community moves closer to fulfilling the basic human right to food, ensuring no one goes hungry and promoting equitable resource distribution worldwide.

We encourage individuals, communities, and organizations worldwide to draw inspiration from GOST’s legacy and engage in their own acts of peaceful diplomacy. Join us in advocating for a world where maritime routes continue to serve as lifelines for global prosperity.

🌊 #GlobalFoodSecurity #MaritimeRoutes #SustainableFutures #BlackSeaDragon

If you find this journey impactful, please like and share this article to spread awareness about the importance of maintaining open sea routes for a food-secure world!

The Critical Role of Open Sea Routes in Achieving UN SDG Goal 2: Zero Hunger

by Jochen Werne


One of the most pressing objectives outlined in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is Goal 2: Zero Hunger. It aims to end all forms of hunger and malnutrition by 2030, ensuring that all people—especially children—have sufficient and nutritious food all year round. This article explores the importance of maintaining open sea routes for the delivery of essential food supplies like wheat, especially to regions like Africa, and how disruptions in these channels can severely impact the progress towards achieving this goal. The article also links to the noteworthy contribution of the Global Offshore Sailing Team (GOST) in raising awareness about this vital issue during their 25th anniversary expedition, “Black Sea Dragon.”

Facts to the Sustainable Development Goal 2

The United Nations states: “Goal 2 is about creating a world free of hunger by 2030.The global issue of hunger and food insecurity has shown an alarming increase since 2015, a trend exacerbated by a combination of factors including the pandemic, conflict, climate change, and deepening inequalities.

By 2022, approximately 735 million people – or 9.2% of the world’s population – found themselves in a state of chronic hunger – a staggering rise compared to 2019. This data underscores the severity of the situation, revealing a growing crisis. In addition, an estimated 2.4 billion people faced moderate to severe food insecurity in 2022. This classification signifies their lack of access to sufficient nourishment. This number escalated by an alarming 391 million people compared to 2019.

The persistent surge in hunger and food insecurity, fueled by a complex interplay of factors, demands immediate attention and coordinated global efforts to alleviate this critical humanitarian challenge. Extreme hunger and malnutrition remains a barrier to sustainable development and creates a trap from which people cannot easily escape. Hunger and malnutrition mean less productive individuals, who are more prone to disease and thus often unable to earn more and improve their livelihoods.

2 billion people in the world do not have regular access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food. In 2022, 148 million children had stunted growth and 45 million children under the age of 5 were affected by wasting.”

Importance of Open Sea Routes for Food Security

Open sea routes are vital arteries for the global food supply chain. They enable the efficient and cost-effective transportation of large quantities of food commodities from surplus regions to areas facing deficits.

For example, wheat is a staple food for over 35% of the world’s population, and a significant portion of it is transported by sea. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), major wheat exporting nations rely heavily on maritime transport to ship their grains to different parts of the world, including Africa.

The Impact of Disrupted Sea Routes on Africa

Africa is particularly vulnerable to disruptions in sea routes. Many African countries depend on imports to meet their food needs due to local production shortfalls caused by various factors such as climatic conditions, political instability, and economic challenges.

For instance, North African countries like Egypt, Algeria, and Morocco are among the world’s largest wheat importers. Closure of key maritime passages like which serve as a critical link between continents, can delay shipments, leading to shortages and spikes in food prices. This not only exacerbates food insecurity but also heightens economic instability.. When e.g. wheat deliveries are delayed or halted, the immediate effect is a shortage of staple food items, leading to increased prices and reduced accessibility for the poorest populations. This can have cascading effects on nutritional health, particularly for children, who are most vulnerable to malnutrition. The long-term impact extends beyond health, affecting educational outcomes and economic productivity, thereby hindering comprehensive development.

Impact of the Suez Canal Blockage on Global Food Security

A vivid example of how blocked sea routes can affect global food security is the incident involving the container ship Ever Given, which became lodged in the Suez Canal in March 2021. The Suez Canal is one of the world’s busiest waterways, facilitating approximately 12% of global trade. The blockage created by the Ever Given halted the flow of goods, including significant quantities of food commodities, affecting supply chains worldwide.

The blockade, which lasted six days, delayed the passage of over 300 ships, including vessels carrying livestock and perishable goods bound for various parts of the world. According to Lloyd’s List, approximately $9.6 billion worth of goods passes through the canal each day. The delay affected the delivery of about 13 million barrels of oil to Europe from the Middle East, but also critical agricultural commodities such as grains and vegetable oils from major exporting countries, destined for Africa and Asia.

For instance, Syria, which relies heavily on wheat imports through the Suez Canal, had to ration its existing grain supplies due to delays. Similarly, the blockage disrupted the supply chains of livestock feed components like soybeans and corn, essential for meat production in many European and Asian countries. This disruption highlighted the canal’s crucial role in stabilizing global food prices and availability. The event underscored the vulnerability of global food systems to logistical disruptions and the ripple effects that can emerge from a single point of interruption in a key maritime route.

Navigating recent Vulnerabilities of Global Food Supply Chains

The ongoing crisis in the Red Sea highlights the precarious nature of global food supply chains and the cascading effects that disruptions can have on food security, particularly for economically vulnerable countries in Africa and Asia. According to Joseph Glauber and Abdullah Mamun from IFPRI, the duration and extent of the Houthi attacks will critically determine the scale of impact on shipping, market prices, and the availability of food. Although the Red Sea routes account for a smaller fraction of overall agricultural trade, persistent disruptions could force dependent importing nations to seek costlier alternatives or new suppliers. This shift could depress prices for producers, illustrating a ripple effect across global agricultural markets. The Red Sea conflict serves as a potent reminder of the fragility of supply chains and underscores the importance of maintaining flexible sourcing strategies for food imports to enhance resilience against such disruptions. This situation calls for international cooperation and strategic planning to safeguard food security amid geopolitical and logistical challenges.

GOST’s Initiative and Its Global Impact

Celebrating its 25th anniversary, the Global Offshore Sailing Team (GOST) is leveraging its “Black Sea Dragon” expedition, departing from Varna, Bulgaria, and passing through the Bosporus to Istanbul, to spotlight the importance of these issues.

“We aim to underscore the significance of uninterrupted sea routes not only for food security but also for fostering international understanding,” stated Jochen Werne, GOST co-founder.

Jochen Werne, co-founder of GOST

“Through the ‘Black Sea Dragon’ expedition, we strive to illustrate how essential stable and secure maritime corridors are to global peace and prosperity. This journey symbolizes our dedication to strengthening the bonds between nations and enhancing mutual reliance through shared challenges.”

Guido Zoeller, co-founder of GOST

Creating awareness is a powerful tool in the realm of people’s diplomacy, fostering peace and understanding by educating and engaging diverse populations on global issues. The Global Offshore Sailing Team (GOST) has harnessed this approach effectively over its 25-year history, particularly through high-visibility expeditions like the “Black Sea Dragon”, “Antarctic Blanc” or “Navigators Heritage”. These ventures serve not only as adventures but also as platforms to raise public awareness about critical global challenges such as the importance of open sea routes for food security and international cooperation.

GOST’s expeditions are emblematic of how peaceful people’s diplomacy can be conducted through the universal language of maritime travel. By navigating international waters and connecting different cultures, GOST embodies the spirit of collaboration and mutual understanding. Their journeys highlight how sustained, peaceful engagement can build bridges between nations, fostering a shared commitment to addressing global challenges.

The “Black Sea Dragon” expedition underscores the continuity of this mission of not only traversing geographic boundaries but also cultivating a deeper awareness among global citizens about the interconnectedness of our world. This voyage illustrates the critical role that safe and open sea routes play in global stability and food security, emphasizing how these waterways are arteries of international diplomacy and economic vitality.

The Strategic Significance of the Bosporus and Turkey’s Role in Maritime Security

The Bosporus Strait, a narrow, natural strait that forms part of the continental boundary between Europe and Asia, is not only a crucial segment of the Turkish Straits but also one of the world’s most significant maritime passages for international navigation. It connects the Black Sea to the Sea of Marmara, and further to the Mediterranean, serving as a vital route for the transport of oil, natural gas, and agricultural products. This strait is especially critical for all Black Sea nations, which rely on it as their primary avenue to the global markets.

Turkey’s role in maintaining the safety and openness of the Bosporus is paramount. Governed by the 1936 Montreux Convention, the management of the strait allows for the free passage of civilian vessels in peacetime while limiting the passage of naval ships not belonging to Black Sea states. Turkey, responsible for the strait’s management, plays a pivotal role in ensuring that this vital artery remains open and safe for navigation. This is crucial not only for economic reasons but also for food security, particularly for nations that depend heavily on agricultural imports that transit through these waters.

The strategic importance of the Bosporus is amplified by its challenging navigation conditions, which require precise handling and extensive local knowledge, underscoring the need for expert maritime management. Turkey’s investment in the surveillance and traffic management of the strait reflects its commitment to safeguarding this essential route. This ensures the efficient flow of goods and energy resources, which is indispensable for maintaining the stability of global markets and securing food and energy supplies to various regions.

Furthermore, Turkey’s diplomatic relations and its strategic position as a bridge between East and West play a critical role in the geopolitical landscape surrounding the Bosporus. By keeping the Bosporus open and secure, Turkey contributes significantly to the broader global objective such as the United Nations SDG Goal 2: Zero Hunger. Thus, Turkey’s management of the Bosporus is not merely a regional concern but a matter of global importance, impacting international trade, energy security, and food accessibility worldwide.

Collaborative Efforts in Advancing SDG Goal 2: Zero Hunger

There are numerous impactful programs like the World Food Program (WFP) or the Africa First Network that play pivotal roles in advancing SDG Goal 2: Zero Hunger through their dedicated initiatives. These organizations work tirelessly to address the multifaceted challenges of hunger and food insecurity around the globe.

The World Food Program, a leading humanitarian organization fighting hunger worldwide, implements a variety of programs aimed at ensuring that everyone can access the food they need for a healthy life. The WFP’s efforts include emergency food aid, school feeding programs, and improving food security in regions affected by conflict and natural disasters. By maintaining and securing open sea routes for food delivery, the WFP not only manages direct assistance but also supports local agriculture and infrastructure, which are crucial for long-term sustainability.

Similarly, the Africa First Network collaborates with local and international partners to bolster food security across African nations. This initiative focuses on enhancing agricultural productivity, building efficient supply chains, and advocating for policies that support sustainable food systems. Through education, technological innovation, and infrastructure development, the Africa First Network seeks to empower African communities to achieve self-sufficiency and resilience against food crises.

Together, these programs demonstrate the power of global and regional cooperation in moving closer to achieving Zero Hunger. Their comprehensive approach to tackling food insecurity includes not just immediate relief but also long-term strategies that address the root causes of hunger, ensuring sustainable change and progress towards SDG Goal 2.


The integrity of maritime transport routes is not merely an economic issue but a cornerstone in the battle against global hunger. The ramifications of disrupted sea routes extend far beyond immediate food shortages, affecting nutritional health, educational outcomes, and economic productivity. International cooperation and stable geopolitical relations are essential to safeguard these lifelines. By maintaining these vital connections, the international community moves closer to fulfilling the basic human right to food, ensuring no one goes hungry and promoting equitable resource distribution worldwide.

We encourage individuals, communities, and organizations worldwide to draw inspiration from GOST’s legacy and engage in their own acts of peaceful diplomacy. Whether through educational outreach, participating in cultural exchanges, or supporting initiatives that promote international understanding, every effort counts. Join us in championing the causes that matter most for our global community’s prosperity and peace. Together, let’s navigate towards a future where diplomacy and awareness pave the way for a harmonious world.

Sources: World Food Programme https://www.wfp.org , IFPRI https://www.ifpri.org , GOST, United Nations https://sdgs.un.org/goals , Pixabay, Africa First Network https://africafirst.net , FAO https://www.fao.org/

Podcast: Heroes of the Seas – Diplomat of the Oceans

Every week, passionate ocean lover Christian Weigand interviews a different passionate ocean lover in his BLUE AWARENESS PODAST “HEROES OF THE OCEANS”. I had the pleasure and honour of being his guest. You can listen to our inspiring conversation in German by following this LINK TO THE ORIGINAL PAGE.

Christian writes: “This episode features Jochen Werne, a “people diplomat” who organises sailing expeditions to commemorate historic moments, bring people together and deliver important messages. He receives support from well-known personalities such as Prince Albert II and the Queen of England.

Jochen discovered his passion for the sea as a navigator in the navy, where he himself was an instructor on the Gorch Fock. Although his professional career brought him back to land, he is still an enthusiastic sailor. He founded the GOST (Global Offshore Sailing Team) @expeditionblueocean, in which people from different nationalities set off on expeditions to raise awareness for sustainability and peace”

You can find Jochen’s homepage here: www.jochenwerne.com

About the Podcast “Heroes of the Seas”

Fascinating stories of the ocean adventure. The heroes of the seas inspire you in an interview with Christian Weigand with their unique experiences at sea. Dive into the world of water sports enthusiasts, researchers, explorers, adventurers and conservationists and be inspired!

You can find pictures and further information on Instagram at @Helden_der_Meere

“A Life for the Ocean” is a book that accompanies the podcast. It tells 10 stories about the heroes of the oceans and is visually stunning in its enthusiasm for the ocean. You can order it at www.ein-leben-fuer-den-ozean.de.

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: Solving global challenges needs borderless international collaboration

With pride GOST (Global Offshore Sailing Team) collaborates since years with the Asociación para la Investigación y Difusión de la Historia Naval de Cuba. The latest collaboration with respect to Expedition Blue Ocean is a living example, that despite the political state of affairs, organisations strongly focused on supporting international understanding can be instrumental in solving challenges which cannot be solved within the borders of just one country. 

Excerpt from EL Faro, June 2022 – Author: Maximino Gomez Alvarez – translated with deepL


Despite the many difficulties faced, including the COVID 19 pandemic that we have been suffering for more than two years, the Association for Research and Dissemination of the Naval History of Cuba has not rested in its arduous work. 2022 has been an illustrative year of the progress made by this organisation, achieving great objectives in its growth and organisation. Several collaboration agreements have been signed, including one with the Hemingway International Sailing Club of Cuba, and support has also been given to various activities carried out by the prestigious international organisation Global Offshore Sailing Team.

Two events stood out in the month of May, Expedition Blue Ocean and the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the creation of the Hemingway International Yacht Club of Cuba, in both activities the AIDHNC has been present.

In the case of the support given to the North Sea Endurance Expedition within the framework of the Blue Ocean event, several voyages were made, the one made by GOST, two others leaving from the port of Miami to Key West with the vessel La Caña (as the flagship of the AIDHNC) and another one made in Cuban waters to the north of the Province of Havana, with five vessels of the CNIHC. Thus, the flag of our organisation flew in the waters of the North Sea, until reaching the English coast, the Mediterranean Sea, as well as the Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico and Cuba.

Extensive publicity work was carried out to publicise the Expedition Blue Ocean. Another of the activities programmed was a Children’s Drawing Competition with the slogan “For a clean and beautiful ocean” in greeting and support of the Blue Ocean Expedition and the 30th Anniversary of the CNIHC.

In the case of the Hemingway International Yacht Club of Cuba, with which a Collaboration Agreement had previously been signed, a complete collection of naval-themed works published by the AIDHNC was donated to this institution, and a Diploma of the AIDHNC was presented to Commodore José Miguel Díaz Escrich, who has directed this illustrious and renowned Cuban nautical institution since its foundation and up to the present day. Likewise, we supported the activities of celebration of the 30th Anniversary of this renowned Cuban Yacht Club, participating in the regatta held also in salute to this anniversary, as well as in the Reception held as a culmination of the activities held in the framework of these celebrations.

Mission NORTH SEA ENDURANCE – the Trailer

Enjoy a glimpse of the thrills awaiting the men aboard their expeditionary sailing yacht in the North Sea with this introductory trailer featuring moments from previous GOST missions.


Channel Dash

International Understanding: 80th Anniversary of the Channel Dash

It has always been a primary goal of Global Offshore Sailing Team (GOST) to promote international understanding. Since GOST and the Channel Dash Association first met 10 years ago, the two organizations have worked together to deepen Anglo-German friendship. Through joint expeditions and commemorative events, we kept history alive and created new connections between so many people. Together we accepted the challenge of a global pandemic which closed our borders and distanced us physically. We found new ways of staying in touch. And now – for the 80th anniversary commemoration – we have the great opportunity to finally meet again and create new relations for a peaceful future.

From the 70th to the 80th Anniversary of the Channel Dash

Peter Nixon, former Chairman of the Channel Dash Association, who established the contact with the Global Offshore Sailing Team, once summarized the effort perfectly with the words:

Working so hard to bring history back to everyone’s attention and recognizing the many great acts of courage performed on our behalf by men and women of all sides during a period of conflict. It is not about winners or losers. The world is a wonderful place to live because it is made up of many different, but beautiful countries. We should be proud of this fact. Equally, we should not be ashamed of our past, nor should we glorify it, for it was our past which created what we are today.

peter Nixon – Former Chairman of the Channel Dash Association

About the Channel Dash

Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Channel_Dash

The Channel Dash, (codenamed Operation Cerberus by the Germans),[1]was a major naval engagement during World War II in which a German Kriegsmarine squadron consisting of both Scharnhorst-class battleships, and heavy cruiser Prinz Eugen along with escorts, ran a British blockade and successfully sailed from Brest in Brittany to their home bases in Germany via the English Channel.

On 11 February 1942, the Kriegsmarine‘s ships left Brest at 21:14 and escaped detection for more than 12 hours, approaching the Straits of Dover without discovery.[2] As the German ships passed through the straits and on into the North Sea, British armed forces intercepted them, and attacks were made by the Royal Air Force, the Fleet Air Arm and Coastal Artillery. The attacks and bombardment were unsuccessful, and by 13 February all the Kriegsmarine‘s ships had completed their transit.[3] 

‘The Channel Dash’, is also known as the heroic but futile attempt by six Swordfish torpedo bombers to stop the German Warships breaking through the Dover Strait and reach safety in their home waters.

Vice-Admiral Otto Ciliax, who commanded Operation “Cerberus” commented the attack of the slow and outdated Swordfish crews as follows:

 “The mothball attack of a handful of ancient planes, piloted by men whose bravery surpasses any other action by either side that day”

Admiral Otto Ciliax, 1942

In support of the German naval operation, the Luftwaffe launched Operation Donnerkeil (Thunderbolt) to provide air superiority for the passage of the ships.

The Channel Dash remains the only occasion since the Spanish Armada in 1588 that ships belonging to an enemy of Great Britain (other than the Dutch in the Anglo-Dutch Wars) have successfully traversed the English Channel

Detailed Description of the Channel Dash by The Operations Room

PROGRAM: 80th Anniversary Celebrations

12th February 2022: Thanks to the excellent work of Channel Dash Association Chairman Malcolm Godfrey, CDA Secretary Sheila Howard and all CDA members and supporters, a major commemorative event will also be held on the 80th anniversary on 12 February 2022 at the former Royal Airforce Base Manston.

13th February 2022: On this day, the Global Offshore Sailing Team will set off from Dover in a joint mission with the Royal Cinque Ports Yacht Club Dover to the English Channel for a commemoration at sea. We are grateful for the excellent organisation by Bernard Sealy.

About the Global Offshore Sailing Team


Noticias de la Asociación para la Investigación y Difusión de la Historia Naval de Cuba

Extract from the FARO – the AIDHNC Bulletin No.2 – More here

Muchas gracias a la AIDHNC por los buenos deseos y por su destacada y sostenible labor de mantener viva la historia

Jochen Werne



Es un grandísimo honor para la Asociación para la Investigación  y Difusión de la Historia Naval de Cuba, AIDHNC, que nuestra organización hermana Global Offshore Sailing Team, a través de su co-fundador el Sr. Jochen Werne,  hayan recibido la Medalla del Estado de Bavaria (Alemania), por sus más de 20 años de sostenida labor a favor de la identidad naval y protección de los mares. Es una importante noticia, para todos los seguidores de su labor. Nuestras más entrañables felicitaciones para nuestros camaradas de GOST.

El Ministro de Estado Thorsten Glauber entregó la Medalla del Medio Ambiente 2021al Sr. Jochen Werne co-fundador de GOST

Jochen Werne es miembro de la AIDHNC, Asociación para la Investigación y Difusión de la Historia Naval de Cuba y en el año 2016 fue condecorado con el Diploma “Ancla de Oro” que otorga dicha organización, único miembro que ha alcanzado tan alta Distinción.

Momentos en que el Vice-Presidente de la AIDHNC, Sr. Maximino Gómez Alvarez hace entrega del Diploma “Ancla de Oro” al Sr. Jochen Werne, Cofundador de Global Offshore Sailing Team en el Museo Marítimo de Hamburgo, Alemania el 8 de mayo de 2016.
Diploma “Ancla de Oro”, máxima distinción que otorga 

GOST co-founder JOCHEN WERNE is awarded the STATE MEDAL, the highest honor of the Free State of Bavaria

Munich, 26 October 2021

GOST co-founder JOCHEN WERNE is awarded the STATE MEDAL – the highest honor of the Free State of Bavaria – for special commitment to environmental protection and announces an extraordinary new project with the EXPEDITION BLUE OCEAN.

In the Imperial Hall of the Residence in Munich on 26 October, Minister of State Thorsten Glauber presented the Environmental Medal 2021 to selected personalities, municipalities or organisations for their special commitment to environmental or consumer protection. The honor of this highest award of the Free State of Bavaria is bestowed on a maximum of 15 people each year. 

Jochen Werne, who founded the Global Offshore Sailing Team (GOST) together with Guido Zoeller in 1999, was awarded the Bavarian State Medal. For more than 20 years he has been working to raise awareness in society for ocean issues. Over 30 GOST expeditions across the world’s oceans culminated in 2018 with the Expedition Antarctic Blanc in an act of state in Antarctica supported by 19 heads of state and led to extraordinary attention to the concerns of our environment and the need for close friendly international understanding.

In his laudation, Minister of State Glauber underlined the inspiring enlightening character of the expeditions and the scope of their commitment to the protection of the oceans.

Werne emphasizes, “This extraordinarily honorable award may bear my name, but it is for me a GOST AWARD. Without the commitment and passionate dedication of all GOST members and supporters to each mission, all that has been created would not have been possible.”

GOST is already planning the next major initiative, Expedition Blue Ocean (www.ExpeditionBlueOcean.org), which is open to anyone who wants to contribute to the oceans. Expedition Blue Ocean will take the sea route from Monaco in the Mediterranean to the Arctic port of Longyearbyen. Comparable to the Olympic torch relay, the expedition flag will be passed from one ship to the next. In the process, many crews will make a small but very important contribution to achieving a major goal. This will also serve symbolically to involve important actors in the field of marine protection and international maritime shipping in a dialogue. 

Expedition Blue Ocean will serve as a platform for all crews and supporters in ports to promote the beauty of our oceans through events, fundraisers, international media coverage, etc. This will be done by raising civil society awareness of the importance and fragility of our planet’s marine ecosystem in light of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Viewers around the world will be able to follow the prestigious yachts, their crews and the events on the internet and social media, or get involved themselves as ambassadors of the expedition with their own contribution. The expedition management can be contacted at info@expeditionblueocean.org.

Please find the Press Release in English below

Bavarian State Medal Award ceremony

Award Ceremony Announcement: Environmental Medal 2021

Announcement from the Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection


26 October 2021 – 6 pm
Kaisersaal of the Munich Residence

The Bavarian State Medal for Outstanding Services to the Environment is the highest award the Free State has to bestow in this field.


Countdown 111d: Expedition BLACK SEA DRAGON enters into hot preparation phase

Black Sea expedition fosters international relations by connecting people and their cultures

GOST‘s adventurous 2020 expedition BLACK SEA DRAGON (www.BlackSeaDragon.com) will depart on June 27 from the famous Bulgarian Black Sea harbour and home of the country’s Naval Academy, Varna. 

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: By combining TRADITION and FUTURE in today’s hyper-connected world, the initiators of the expedition will bring together people and sailors from around the world to commemorate peacefully not only the great seafarers and explorers of all times – who were the first to unite our nations and people around the globe – but also to raise awareness and sensitise civil society to the importance of our MARITIME ECOSOCYSTEM with regard to the UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. Together with all partners, new relations will be created between sailors, states and academic officials in support of international understanding and peaceful relations. 

COMMEMORATION: In international waters the expedition yacht crews will remember the Black Sea sailors of all nations who lost their lives while being on duty with a wreath laying commemoration ceremony on sea.

CHALLENGE: In just one leg the yachts will challenge each other from their home base to the Northern entrance of the Bosphorus. There the yachts will unite to pass the strait southwards to their Marmara Sea destination, the famous Mega Yacht Marina Ataköy near Turkey‘s biggest city Istanbul. 

Jochen Werne 
Co-Founder GOST & Expedition Leader

“It‘s a great privilege commanding the flag ship of Expedition „BLACK SEA DRAGON“ during this offshore challenge through the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea and hence crossing twice one of the planet’s most challenging waterways: the Bosphorus. While in Greek mythology Jason and his team of Argonauts challenged clashing rocks in the strait, the dedicated international sailors of the Global Offshore Sailing Team will be challenged by today‘s busy ships traffic, the famous powerful 4 to 6kn current and strong funnelling wind effects.”

Guido Zoeller
Co-Founder GOST

“Expedition BLACK SEA DRAGON will mark another milestone in the history of the Global Offshore Sailing Team. After missions on nearly all oceans of this planet, the Black Sea is an outstanding challenge for 2020. Fostering international relations in this historically rich region will be a great pleasure.”

Operations Time: 27 June – 4 July 2020