INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: Solving global challenges needs borderless international collaboration

With pride GOST (Global Offshore Sailing Team) collaborates since years with the Asociación para la Investigación y Difusión de la Historia Naval de Cuba. The latest collaboration with respect to Expedition Blue Ocean is a living example, that despite the political state of affairs, organisations strongly focused on supporting international understanding can be instrumental in solving challenges which cannot be solved within the borders of just one country. 

Excerpt from EL Faro, June 2022 – Author: Maximino Gomez Alvarez – translated with deepL


Despite the many difficulties faced, including the COVID 19 pandemic that we have been suffering for more than two years, the Association for Research and Dissemination of the Naval History of Cuba has not rested in its arduous work. 2022 has been an illustrative year of the progress made by this organisation, achieving great objectives in its growth and organisation. Several collaboration agreements have been signed, including one with the Hemingway International Sailing Club of Cuba, and support has also been given to various activities carried out by the prestigious international organisation Global Offshore Sailing Team.

Two events stood out in the month of May, Expedition Blue Ocean and the celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the creation of the Hemingway International Yacht Club of Cuba, in both activities the AIDHNC has been present.

In the case of the support given to the North Sea Endurance Expedition within the framework of the Blue Ocean event, several voyages were made, the one made by GOST, two others leaving from the port of Miami to Key West with the vessel La Caña (as the flagship of the AIDHNC) and another one made in Cuban waters to the north of the Province of Havana, with five vessels of the CNIHC. Thus, the flag of our organisation flew in the waters of the North Sea, until reaching the English coast, the Mediterranean Sea, as well as the Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico and Cuba.

Extensive publicity work was carried out to publicise the Expedition Blue Ocean. Another of the activities programmed was a Children’s Drawing Competition with the slogan “For a clean and beautiful ocean” in greeting and support of the Blue Ocean Expedition and the 30th Anniversary of the CNIHC.

In the case of the Hemingway International Yacht Club of Cuba, with which a Collaboration Agreement had previously been signed, a complete collection of naval-themed works published by the AIDHNC was donated to this institution, and a Diploma of the AIDHNC was presented to Commodore José Miguel Díaz Escrich, who has directed this illustrious and renowned Cuban nautical institution since its foundation and up to the present day. Likewise, we supported the activities of celebration of the 30th Anniversary of this renowned Cuban Yacht Club, participating in the regatta held also in salute to this anniversary, as well as in the Reception held as a culmination of the activities held in the framework of these celebrations.


Noticias de la Asociación para la Investigación y Difusión de la Historia Naval de Cuba

Extract from the FARO – the AIDHNC Bulletin No.2 – More here

Muchas gracias a la AIDHNC por los buenos deseos y por su destacada y sostenible labor de mantener viva la historia

Jochen Werne



Es un grandísimo honor para la Asociación para la Investigación  y Difusión de la Historia Naval de Cuba, AIDHNC, que nuestra organización hermana Global Offshore Sailing Team, a través de su co-fundador el Sr. Jochen Werne,  hayan recibido la Medalla del Estado de Bavaria (Alemania), por sus más de 20 años de sostenida labor a favor de la identidad naval y protección de los mares. Es una importante noticia, para todos los seguidores de su labor. Nuestras más entrañables felicitaciones para nuestros camaradas de GOST.

El Ministro de Estado Thorsten Glauber entregó la Medalla del Medio Ambiente 2021al Sr. Jochen Werne co-fundador de GOST

Jochen Werne es miembro de la AIDHNC, Asociación para la Investigación y Difusión de la Historia Naval de Cuba y en el año 2016 fue condecorado con el Diploma “Ancla de Oro” que otorga dicha organización, único miembro que ha alcanzado tan alta Distinción.

Momentos en que el Vice-Presidente de la AIDHNC, Sr. Maximino Gómez Alvarez hace entrega del Diploma “Ancla de Oro” al Sr. Jochen Werne, Cofundador de Global Offshore Sailing Team en el Museo Marítimo de Hamburgo, Alemania el 8 de mayo de 2016.
Diploma “Ancla de Oro”, máxima distinción que otorga 

AIDHNC congratulates GOST on it’s 20th anniversary and the milestones in the field of international understanding

We’ve been honoured by a message arrived from the ASOCIACIÓN PARA LA INVESTIGACIÓN Y DIFUCIÓN DE LA HISTORIA NAVAL DE CUBA. We are grateful that we were able to establish a long-term relationship with this esteemed association and its great members . Together we reached far beyond the boundaries often faced by national politics.

Jochen Werne
Co-Founder Global Offshore Sailing Team

¡EXCELENTE! 20 años de esfuerzos, destinados al matenimiento de las tradiciones e historia naval, a mantener vivas las hazañas de los pioneros exploradores, a unir a la familia naval internacional, a unir pueblos, culturas, a salvaguardar el medio ambiente y a lograr la union de los pueblos con un mensaje de paz y de concordia. Toda esa labor a hecho grande a GOST, que sin dudas hoy ocupa el liderazgo entre la organizaciones de su clase. Nos sentimos profundamente honrados y orgullosos de haber sido un pedacito de esta hazaña de gigantes. ¡Larga vida a Global Offshore Sailing Team! Sois un ejemplo a seguir, una esperanza. FELICITACIONES!!!! Reciban todos su miembros, las muestrasde del más profundo respeto y admiración  de la Asociacion para la Investigacion y Difusión  de la Histora Naval de Cuba. Gracias por existir.

Maximino Gomez Alvarez
Vice-President of the AIDHNC
Historian Maximino Gomez Alvarez with the AIDHNC flag

Translation: EXCELLENT! 20 years of efforts aimed at maintaining naval traditions and history, keeping alive the exploits of pioneer explorers, uniting the international naval family, uniting peoples, cultures, safeguarding the environment and achieving the union of peoples with a message of peace and harmony. All that work has done great to GOST, which undoubtedly today occupies the leadership among the organizations of its kind. We feel deeply honored and proud to have been a bit of this feat of giants. Long live Global Offshore Sailing Team! You are an example to follow, a hope. CONGRATULATIONS! Receive all your members, the deepest respect and admiration of the Association for the Research and Dissemination of the Naval History of Cuba. Thank you for existing.