Countdown 111d: Expedition BLACK SEA DRAGON enters into hot preparation phase

Black Sea expedition fosters international relations by connecting people and their cultures

GOST‘s adventurous 2020 expedition BLACK SEA DRAGON ( will depart on June 27 from the famous Bulgarian Black Sea harbour and home of the country’s Naval Academy, Varna. 

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS: By combining TRADITION and FUTURE in today’s hyper-connected world, the initiators of the expedition will bring together people and sailors from around the world to commemorate peacefully not only the great seafarers and explorers of all times – who were the first to unite our nations and people around the globe – but also to raise awareness and sensitise civil society to the importance of our MARITIME ECOSOCYSTEM with regard to the UNITED NATIONS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS. Together with all partners, new relations will be created between sailors, states and academic officials in support of international understanding and peaceful relations. 

COMMEMORATION: In international waters the expedition yacht crews will remember the Black Sea sailors of all nations who lost their lives while being on duty with a wreath laying commemoration ceremony on sea.

CHALLENGE: In just one leg the yachts will challenge each other from their home base to the Northern entrance of the Bosphorus. There the yachts will unite to pass the strait southwards to their Marmara Sea destination, the famous Mega Yacht Marina Ataköy near Turkey‘s biggest city Istanbul. 

Jochen Werne 
Co-Founder GOST & Expedition Leader

“It‘s a great privilege commanding the flag ship of Expedition „BLACK SEA DRAGON“ during this offshore challenge through the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea and hence crossing twice one of the planet’s most challenging waterways: the Bosphorus. While in Greek mythology Jason and his team of Argonauts challenged clashing rocks in the strait, the dedicated international sailors of the Global Offshore Sailing Team will be challenged by today‘s busy ships traffic, the famous powerful 4 to 6kn current and strong funnelling wind effects.”

Guido Zoeller
Co-Founder GOST

“Expedition BLACK SEA DRAGON will mark another milestone in the history of the Global Offshore Sailing Team. After missions on nearly all oceans of this planet, the Black Sea is an outstanding challenge for 2020. Fostering international relations in this historically rich region will be a great pleasure.”

Operations Time: 27 June – 4 July 2020

AIDHNC congratulates GOST on it’s 20th anniversary and the milestones in the field of international understanding

We’ve been honoured by a message arrived from the ASOCIACIÓN PARA LA INVESTIGACIÓN Y DIFUCIÓN DE LA HISTORIA NAVAL DE CUBA. We are grateful that we were able to establish a long-term relationship with this esteemed association and its great members . Together we reached far beyond the boundaries often faced by national politics.

Jochen Werne
Co-Founder Global Offshore Sailing Team

¡EXCELENTE! 20 años de esfuerzos, destinados al matenimiento de las tradiciones e historia naval, a mantener vivas las hazañas de los pioneros exploradores, a unir a la familia naval internacional, a unir pueblos, culturas, a salvaguardar el medio ambiente y a lograr la union de los pueblos con un mensaje de paz y de concordia. Toda esa labor a hecho grande a GOST, que sin dudas hoy ocupa el liderazgo entre la organizaciones de su clase. Nos sentimos profundamente honrados y orgullosos de haber sido un pedacito de esta hazaña de gigantes. ¡Larga vida a Global Offshore Sailing Team! Sois un ejemplo a seguir, una esperanza. FELICITACIONES!!!! Reciban todos su miembros, las muestrasde del más profundo respeto y admiración  de la Asociacion para la Investigacion y Difusión  de la Histora Naval de Cuba. Gracias por existir.

Maximino Gomez Alvarez
Vice-President of the AIDHNC
Historian Maximino Gomez Alvarez with the AIDHNC flag

Translation: EXCELLENT! 20 years of efforts aimed at maintaining naval traditions and history, keeping alive the exploits of pioneer explorers, uniting the international naval family, uniting peoples, cultures, safeguarding the environment and achieving the union of peoples with a message of peace and harmony. All that work has done great to GOST, which undoubtedly today occupies the leadership among the organizations of its kind. We feel deeply honored and proud to have been a bit of this feat of giants. Long live Global Offshore Sailing Team! You are an example to follow, a hope. CONGRATULATIONS! Receive all your members, the deepest respect and admiration of the Association for the Research and Dissemination of the Naval History of Cuba. Thank you for existing.

AI, Society, Sailing, Passion & more – on camera with Sascha Adam (Part 1)

Jochen Werne is full-time Director & Authorized Officer for Bankhaus August Lenz & Co. AG of the Mediolanum Banking Group and is responsible for Business Development, Marketing, Product Management, Treasury & B2B Payment Services. In addition, he is involved in the development of non-profit organizations and a member of the Learning Systems Platform of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

The initiative addresses the question of how a unit of man and machine can be created in the working world of tomorrow and how algorithms can be seamlessly integrated into the organization in order to supplement the capabilities of employees.

In this first, introductory part of our interview Jochen gives us an insight into what has changed for him in the last decades – and he finds out that “Hamburg is probably the most beautiful city in Germany” 😉

As an independent interim manager, profile and team coach, Sascha Adam supports people, decision-makers and companies in actively shaping digital change.

More at or

Many thanks to the coast by east Hamburg in the Hafencity Hamburg for the permission to film here. A very recommendable location with obliging service, extraordinary menu and good drinks. Apropos, the background noises also give you the feeling of sitting directly with us 😉

German original

Jochen Werne ist hauptberuflich Director & Authorized Officer für das Bankhaus August Lenz & Co. AG der Mediolanum Banking Group und verantwortet dort die Bereiche Business Development, Marketing, Product Management, Treasury & B2B Payment Services. Darüberhinaus ist er am Aufbau gemeinnütziger Organisationen beteiligt und Mitglied der Plattform Lernende Systeme des Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. Die Initiative geht der Frage nach wie in der Arbeitswelt von morgen eine Einheit aus Mensch & Maschine geschaffen werden kann und sich Algorithmen nahtlos in die Organisation integrieren, um die Fähigkeiten der Mitarbeiter zu ergänzen. In diesem ersten, einleitenden Teil unseres Interviews gibt uns Jochen einen Einblick was sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten für ihn verändert hat – und stellen fest, dass “Hamburg die wahrscheinlich schönste Stadt in Deutschland ist” 😉 Sascha Adam unterstützt als selbstständiger Interimsmanager, Profile- und Team-Coach Menschen, Entscheider und Unternehmen dabei den digitalen Wandel aktiv zu gestalten. Mehr unter oder Ganz herzlichen Dank an das coast by east Hamburg in der Hafencity Hamburg für die Genehmigung hier filmen zu dürfen. Eine sehr zu empfehlende Location mit zuvorkommender Bedienung, außergewöhnlicher Speisekarte und guten Drinks. Apropos, die Hintergrundgeräusche geben einem auch gleich das Gefühl direkt bei uns zu sitzen 😉