New Springer book co-authorship: “Artificial Intelligence meets Homo Sapiens“ in CRM GOES DIGITAL

It has been a privilege contributing as co-author for the fifth time to an inspiring book project. “CRM goes digital“ has been initiated by Dr. Martin Stadelmann, Mario Pufahl and David Lauch and is part of the Springer Gabler Edition Sales Excellence book series (ESE)

Artificial Intelligence meets Homo Sapiens – Possible applications and limits of artificial intelligence

Author: Jochen Werne

Werne J. (2020) Artificial Intelligence meets Homo Sapiens – Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Grenzen Künstlicher Intelligenz. In: Stadelmann M., Pufahl M., Laux D. (eds) CRM goes digital. Edition Sales Excellence. Springer Gabler, Wiesbaden


A special encounter. Algorithms developed by humans meet everything that man and nature embody – from industrial processes to our very own behaviour. A race between countries and companies has begun to decide the enormous potential of AI and its impact on our consumer behavior, as well as on our society. However, despite all the euphoria, it is important to understand the topic, its possible applications and also its limitations well, so as not to succumb to the danger of losing oneself in technology-believing magic.

About the book: CRM goes digital

Consistent customer orientation and digital transformation lead to completely new approaches in management: the focus is on omnichannel or mobile CRM concepts, big-data and social media instruments, and automation. But what does this mean in concrete terms for marketing, sales and service? What effects does digitalization have on product and service optimization or on sales management and customer loyalty? How can methodical customer orientation contribute to an improvement in sales performance? Answers to these and other questions are provided by the contributions from science and practice in this book. The authors illuminate the requirements and possible solutions of CRM systems along the concept of the customer journey using selected industry examples. They provide concrete recommendations for action and offer managers and users from customer-oriented business areas valuable orientation aids for the implementation of digital customer management.

From the content
CRM: strategies, organisation, controlling and employees
Concepts in digitisation
Best Practices in CRM: Case studies of customer-centric companies
Topics of CRM research

Author Juliane Waack writes about J. Werne’s keynote on societal & business transformation

What’s next? Expedition into the digital spheres


Digital Expert Author Juliane Waack

For the opening keynote of our ec4u virtual conference Digital Thoughts on May 23rd, Jochen Werne, Director Marketing & Authorised Officer at Bankhaus August Lenz, talked about opening up to the digital transformation. It turns out, what we associate with technology and what it actually offers are often two completely different things.

Jochen Werne

„Companies and people need to participate actively in the transformation. We need to move. It’s impossible to be a passive participant in the transformation.“

J. Werne


digital thoughts 2019: Expeditions into the digital world – technologies, ongoing change, leadership

On May 23, ec4u will present innovations and trends for the customer experience and innovative applications for marketing, sales and service together with customers, experts and opinion formers and address the challenges of digital leadership in the midst of (agile) transformation:

  • How, for example, AI and other innovations can support marketing, sales and service both on the customer side and internally. 
  • How executives can deal with digital change in order to grow with their company. 
  • What communication, organization and culture in agile transformation can and must look like to provide a stable foundation for your business.


“It’s greatly inspiring giving a real keynote in an innovative virtual conference like Digital Thoughts 2019”

Jochen Werne