Data literacy encompasses the data skills that are important for all people in a world shaped by digitalisation. It is an indispensable part of general education. With the Data Literacy Charter, the signatories express the common understanding of data literacy in the sense of comprehensive data literacy and its importance in educational processes. This understanding is in line with the Federal Government’s data strategy and with the Berlin Declaration on the Digital Society.
WeiterlesenPost Tagged with: "transformation"
The Cultural Dimension of Cyber Threats
The number of cyber attacks on businesses, governments and individuals is increasing worldwide. The human being in his cultural environment is an important element. Different cultures seem to be associated with different susceptibilities. In its annual management report „The Situation of IT Security in Germany“, the Federal Office for Information Security records a threatening scenario: The number of cyber attacks on the federal government, German industry and private individuals is increasing at an alarming rate. Germany, in particular, is being massively targeted by criminal hackers.
WeiterlesenYou’re the captain, but with what ship and crew?
In 1971, the BBC aired a series about James Onedin, a ship captain who navigated the turbulent waters of industrialization and the transition from sailing to steamships. Set in Victorian England in the late 19th century, the series illustrates the complexities of a shifting market, with new technologies and skill sets, rising conflicts between entrepreneurs and managers, and strategic changes amid shrinking margins—challenges that faced those determined to keep their traditional sailing ships afloat. The captain’s role was to deliver his ship, crew, and cargo safely and efficiently to the destination. But what happens when the ship can’t compete, and rivals dominate the seas with new, innovative vessels? What if the shipowner lacks the resources or trust to adopt new technologies? And what of the crew—do they have the skills needed to operate the new ships? This scenario is familiar to many business leaders across industries. Companies today are confronting a rapidly evolving market landscape where traditional business models are often strained by rising operational costs, increased competition, and rapidly changing customer expectations. In this environment, businesses must constantly adapt to remain competitive.
WeiterlesenExpert opinion: What makes a stablecoin
Author: Angelika Breinich-Schilly Published on 11 January 2023 at Springer Professional – Follow this LINK to original text in German. Translation created with Experts quoted in the article: Stefan Behringer, Leef H. Dierks, Florian Follert, Jochen Werne, Dr. Johannes Winter, Joachim Wurmeling What distinguishes so-called stablecoins from cryptocurrencies like […]
WeiterlesenExpedition Andaman Sea supports UNEP’s Clean Seas Initiative
Following the inspiring examples of, and many others, the Global Offshore Sailing Team also followed its long-standing tradition of standing up for the sea by supporting UNEP’s Global Goals during Expedition Andaman Sea 2023. The Expedition Corps consisted of Guido Zoeller, Jochen Werne, Benon Janos, Marco Schroeter, Sascha Adam, Sven O. Mueller, Sven Streiter, Christoph Impekoven and Viktor Metz.
WeiterlesenDas Jahrzehnt der Transformation – Optimistische Perspektiven eines Umdenkens
Es ist mir eine besondere Ehre den Eröffnungsvortrag der 17. Carinthischen Dialogen geben zu dürfen. Unter dem Leitthema „Das Jahrzehnt der Transformation – Optimistische Perspektiven eines Umdenkens“ wird der Beitrag, „Ein neues Zeitalter der Aufklärung“ drei inspirierende Tage einläuten. Bei dieser bemerkenswerten Veranstaltung teilen sich die Bühne angesehenen Persönlichkeiten aus verschiedenen Fachbereichen. So wird Horst von Buttlar, Chefredakteur der Zeitschrift „Wirtschaftswoche“ und Autor des Buches „Das grüne Jahrzehnt“, Veränderungen ausgelöst durch Krisen thematisieren. Nobelpreisträger Anton Zeilinger, emeritierter Professor der Universität Wien, widmet sich dem spannenden Thema des Zufalls. Weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltung, einschließlich mehr Details zu den unten stehenden Referenten und des Programms, sind auf der Website der Carinthischen Dialoge zu finden.
WeiterlesenHarnessing data for good
After my first week as CEO for Experian in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland), I find myself profoundly thankful for the warm welcome and the many highly inspiring encounters with some of the best data and technology professionals on our planet. Experian is not only a data insights industry titan, one that operates in 32 countries, employs over 20,000 outstanding personalities worldwide but would also rank with its more than USD 30 billion market capitalisation compared to Germany’s leading stock index as the 19th largest DAX company in Germany. Experian serves as a global leader millions of consumers and businesses, leveraging data to make a transformative difference in people’s lives.
Yet, with tremendous reach and influence comes immense responsibility.
Just as the Age of Enlightenment in the 18th century reshaped society through the dissemination of knowledge, we find ourselves at the precipice of a new era, one marked by the power and potential of data. The 21st century, in my view, must herald a fresh Age of Enlightenment, one underpinned by data literacy.
WeiterlesenEfficient use of AI determines the competitiveness and thus the future of German companies
Jochen Werne, CEO of Experian DACH, comments on the results for Germany: „As our survey clearly demonstrates, German executives are aware of the central role AI plays in the innovation process. Nevertheless, the considerable scepticism about the benefits of AI use indicates that many companies may not yet be able to make efficient use of their existing data. At the same time, the productive use of AI will be decisive for the future of Germany as a business location. Transforming raw data into meaningful insights and analyses – this must be the clear goal. Through the synergy of state-of-the-art technology and human expertise in combination with the best analytics, we create a significant competitive advantage for our customers.
WeiterlesenCharting Uncharted Waters: Europe’s Place in a World Remade
Europe and the world at large stand at a crossroads, our collective readiness—both in thought and action—will indelibly shape the course of the future. By internalizing lessons from yesteryears and harnessing the tools and knowledge of today, Europe has the potential to lead and inspire, forging a path of stability, prosperity, and holistic progress for all of humanity.
WeiterlesenFrontline Defense: Outsmarting Fraudsters and Shaping the Future of Fraud Prevention
The rise of AI and ML in fraud prevention can lead to a new era of digital trust and compliance Author: Jochen Werne / 26.12.2023 In an era marked by rapidly advancing technology and increasing global interconnectivity, the fight against online fraud has become a paramount concern for financial institutions, […]