It was a pleasure and inspiration discussing with other thought leaders future relevant trends in society and security.
As follow-up to their keynotes and moderated by Stefanie Dreyer, the panel participants Daniel Kroos (OSCE – Organisation for Security and Collaboration in Europe), Steven Koleczko (DGC – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Cybersicherheit), Jay Tuck (Investigative Journalist) and Jochen Werne (Prosegur Germany & Prosegur Crypto) discussed impacts of technological changes on society and security. The panel took place during the 25th anniversary of the Hamburg@Work Future Summit on the historic freight ship Cap San Diego in the port of Hamburg and consisted of outstanding streams on digital future trends with Nils Müller – Trendone, political trends with Federal Minister Wolfgang Schmidt, Dr. Thomas Mirow – Senator ret. Hansestadt Hamburg, Dr. Carsten Brosda – Senator Hansestadt Hamburg, Prof. Henning Voepel – cep, Centrum für Europäische Politik, Thomas Fuchs – Hamburgische Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit, technological trends with Dalits Steiger – SwissCognitive, Dr. Mira Wolf-Bauwens – IBM Research Europe
Congratulations to the board and the team of Hamburg@Work under the leadership of Uwe-Jens Neumann for this outstanding achievement.
Source: Die Welt – original language German | Translated by
International security company Prosegur stores cryptocurrencies in super-secret locations without internet access. Partner O₂ Telefónica makes the communication possible and ensures that it is secure.
Looking at money, it quickly becomes clear that times have changed. In the ten biggest bank robberies, around 1.5 billion euros were taken, all told. In crypto hacks, it was around 3.9 billion euros in 2021 alone, according to the analysis company Crystal.
Jochen Werne is not surprised. “Anything of value arouses covetousness.” Werne is Chief Development Officer and Chief Visionary Officer Prosegur Germany. He develops new services for the German subsidiary of the international security group. Prosegur Crypto GmbH offers such a service, Werne is managing director: a custodian for digital assets – without an internet connection.
New money, new risks, new security concepts
Security world market leader Prosegur is famous for its yellow money carriers and became big in the cash business. With the boom of cryptocurrencies, new demands came to the company with headquarters in Madrid. The goal: to be able to offer the world’s most secure storage method for cryptocurrencies. In Germany, Prosegur works together with the business customer division of O2 Telefónica. Together, they are setting themselves up at a new level of security – the highest level, because billions in Bitcoin, Ethereum and other digital currencies are at stake.
“Our goal is to help give the new ecosystem the trust it deserves through security components,” says Werne. “Our history is closely intertwined with the security of any asset. Crypto custody is a logical evolution of our business.”
O2 networks vaults and money
O2 Telefónica is taking over the communication for Prosegur Germany, and completely. Karsten Pradel, Director B2B at O2 Telefónica, explains: “It starts with the mobile phone service for 3300 employees. In addition, around 1,000 of Prosegur’s yellow armoured cars and networked safes are equipped with a Global SIM from O2 Telefónica. In this way, the armoured vans and the security boxes are directly and securely connected to Prosegur’s company network. Via GPS, the routes of cash transporters can be documented and secured.”
O2 also provides fast fibre-optic access and secures internal communication against external access with VPN (Virtual Private Network) access. A completely new feature is a software-controlled data network (SD-WAN): this allows the Prosegur data traffic to be controlled intelligently and quickly.
In this way, the environment at the site can be secured against threats – where the internet traffic originates. An intelligent component links all communication paths and always selects the best one. This has three advantages, says Sören Jahnke, Global Solutions Engineer at O2 Telefónica: “A lot of bandwidth at a low price, more redundancy and thus communication security (because copper cable, fibre or mobile are used depending on availability and demand) and a better user experience because the services work better: ‘Everything runs much faster'”.
Where it gets critical is when people and the internet come into play
Prosegur aims to offer the ultimate crypto custody method. Yet transactions in cryptocurrencies are actually secure. Their cash book is the blockchain. That’s where the crypto money is stored. The blockchain is a digital document; digital copies of this document are stored simultaneously on a large number of computers – this makes it forgery-proof. When a transaction is made, the data chain contained in the document is supplemented in all copies by a data block that can never be deleted again.
However, it becomes critical when people and the internet come into play. Anyone who trades in cryptocurrencies needs a wallet. This is a kind of digital wallet. The wallet software in turn creates a digital signature and processes a transaction with the owner’s private key. Only in this way does the owner gain access to his crypto treasures stored in the blockchain and can use them. “You can always trace every step, what happened when and where,” says Jochen Werne.
Danger for assets and for people
This wallet can be made available in an app or on a computer and is usually connected to the internet. This is called a “hot wallet” – it is convenient because transactions can be made quickly, but it is vulnerable to hacker attacks. A “cold wallet” (also called “cold storage”) works without direct internet access – this can be a USB stick, for example. This form of asset storage has two problems. Firstly, a cold wallet can be the target of an extortionist or robber, just like a gold bar or large amounts of cash stored at home. Secondly, cold wallets are only secure as long as they are disconnected from the internet.
“For us, cold storage is not enough,” says Jochen Werne. “Because having large assets at the disposal of only one person not only endangers the assets, but also the person who has that power of disposal. Here, criminals not only resort to direct threats of violence on this person, but they often also threaten family members.” Prosegur Crypto therefore takes a different approach. The company stores customer data in a hardware security module (HSM). The technology works in much the same way as we would expect in an agent film.
No chance for “Ocean’s Eleven”
“This is a computer in a military-standard shielded case that is kept in one of our high-security facilities and is not connected to the internet,” Werne explains. If, contrary to all expectations, such a device should fall into the wrong hands, it deletes the stored data. Security protocols then stipulate that the data can be reconstructed via a highly complex system equipped with appropriate codes. Prosegur has a whole range of high-security facilities. The locations of the crypto-bunkers are, of course, secret.
“The entire security is fully electronically monitored with various modules and security protocols on several levels. These are smart fences, for example, where possible threats are analysed by artificial intelligence,” says Werne. Even an attack like in the film “Ocean’s Eleven” – George Clooney’s crew simply turns off the power there – would not work.
JOCHEN WERNE Chief Development Officer and Chief Visionary Officer Prosegur Germany
And yet Prosegur customers can initiate blockchain transactions online – what follows is a sophisticated process. In the process, the hardware security module connects to a computer network that makes blockchain transactions possible.
The technology comes from GK8, a company specialising in crypto technology; the method used here is so-called multi-party computing (MPC). The transaction is transferred to the user’s blockchain via several security instances, using a patented technology that does not require a direct connection to the internet. This secures the critical moment of the transaction. “Everything else stays in cold storage” – most of the time the crypto assets are in the Prosegur high-security vault, without an internet connection. Jochen Werne: “We believe that we can offer the most secure custody method for crypto assets in the world. Currently, we are preparing to launch this service with the appropriate licensing in the strictly regulated German market as well.”
As Germany’s market leader for money and value services, it is of particular importance for Prosegur to maintain professional partnerships with the best companies on the market. We are pleased to be able to rely on our partner o2 Business (Telefónica Germany) in the telecommunications sector worldwide and it was a pleasure for us to serve as a reference for their new campaign.
Many thanks to Heike Windfelder, Fritz Fechner, Ilka Wiehe, Erhan Ocak Malte Jost Edda Heue Vanessa Eggestein Hasan Celebi Heiner Eberle Collja Lorig Michael Mogk Peter Strauss Ogilvy Telefonica INTOKU PICTURES for the support, the fantastic shooting day and the great result
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It was a inspiring holding in hand the first edition of the JOURNAL OF AI, ROBOTICS & WORKPLACE AUTOMATION published by Henry Stewart Publications
We are pleased to give everyone the opportunity to download the entire article POINT OF NO RETURN by Jochen Werne & Johannes Winter here:
The inspiring articles and case studies published in Volume 1 Number 1 are:
Editorial Tom Davenport, Distinguished Professor, Babson College, Research Fellow, MIT Center for Digital Business and Senior Advisor, Deloitte Institute for Research and Practice in Analytics
Practice papers:
The path to AI in procurement by Phil Morgan, Senior Director, Electronic Arts (EA)
How to kickstart an AI venture without proprietary data: AI start-ups have a chicken and egg problem — here is how to solve it by Kartik Hosanagar, Professor, The Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania and Monisha Gulabani, Research Assistant, Wharton UK AI Studio
Towards a capability assessment model for the comprehension and adoption of AI in organisations by Tom Butler PhD MSc, Professor, Angelina Espinoza-Limón, Research Fellow and Selja Seppälä, Research Fellow, University College Cork, Ireland
The path to autonomous driving by Sudha Jamthe, Technology Futurist and Ananya Sen, Product Manager and Software Engineer
Point of no return: Turning data into value by Jochen Werne, Chief Visionary Officer, Prosegur Germany and Johannes Winter, Managing Director, Plattform Lernende Systeme – Germany’s AI Platform
Robotic process automation and the power of automation in the workplace by Raj Samra, Senior Manager, PwC
Difficult decisions in uncertain times: AI and automation in commercial lending by Sean Hunter, Chief Information Officer and Onur Güzey, Head of Artificial Intelligence, OakNorth
The intelligent, experiential and competitive workplace: Part 1 by Peter Miscovich, Managing Director, Strategy + Innovation, JLL Technologies
Responding to ethics being a data protection building block for AI by Henry Chang, Adjunct Associate Professor, The University of Hong Kong
Legal issues arising from the use of artificial intelligence in government tax administration and decision making by Liz Bishop Barrister, Ground Floor Wentworth Chambers
Chief Development & Chief Visionary Officer Jochen Werne on the subject of sustainability
This year, the Bavarian State Medal was awarded to Jochen Werne by State Minister Thorsten Glauber for his personal commitment and services to the environment.
Prosegur congratulated him on this honourable recognition and asked him how this passion flows into his daily work at Prosegur.
The aim of this contribution to the debate is to combine historical insights into the meaning of money with the latest technological developments in the digital age, to compare visions with realities and to develop options for action for shaping the digital transformation of money.
The 10 most successful bank robberies in human history, in which the equivalent of US$1.62 billion was taken at sometimes massive expense, seem like the work of amateurs compared to the US$3.78 billion taken by cybercriminals in 2020 alone. In a world where tech companies are spearheading campaigns to create a new cryptocurrency and bitcoin is surpassing the US$50,000 mark because a visionary electric car maker wants to recognise the cryptocurrency as a means of payment, some fundamental questions arise: How must money be defined in a digital world to reliably fulfil the characteristics of a universally recognised store of value and medium of exchange? And what changes will result if so-called stablecoins challenge the banks’ classic deposit business and their traditional business models?
The world’s first armoured electric money transporter is now in use at the security service provider Prosegur. Since the armouring was realised in lightweight construction, the electrically powered MAN eTGE has enough payload and range for city traffic. On tour with the environmentally friendly cash messengers in Potsdam.
For safety reasons, Prosegur’s cash messengers always travel in pairs or sometimes even in threes – a well-rehearsed team. Today Uwe E. is driving the yellow money carrier through Potsdam. His colleague Andreas H. watches the surroundings from the passenger seat. He mainly looks for hedges, backyards and other possible hiding places. Because “the others” could be lurking there in ambush. That’s what H. calls criminals who are after money and valuables transported in the vehicle, doubly protected by the armoured outer skin and the armoured inner cabin. The course of each tour, each of which covers several banks, ATMs or shops, is planned in detail to minimise the risk of robbery. At Prosegur’s Potsdam branch, a security guard watches on a monitor as the GPS signal of the MAN eTGE moves through the city and keeps in touch with the two cash messengers by radio. Driver and co-driver are highly concentrated while the electrically driven van glides almost silently through the streets. “This silence while driving is great,” says money messenger Andreas H. with satisfaction. “Without noise, I can focus even better and am less exhausted at the end of the working day.”
However, the advantage of the noiseless drive is not the main reason why Prosegur uses the world’s first armoured electric money carrier. The company wants to prove to itself and the entire security industry that electric mobility is not only suitable for normal delivery traffic, but also for the special requirements of cash-in-transit. Despite the additional weight of the armour, which reduces the payload of the vehicle and the already limited range of the electric battery.
Lightweight construction for armouring Since Prosegur has already had good experience with the conventional MAN TGE panel vans in its fleet, its battery-electric variant, a MAN TGE 3.140 E, was chosen as the test vehicle. The STOOF company provided it with armouring and dispensed with steel in order to save weight. Instead, aramid was used, a lightweight high-performance fabric that is also used by the military for armoured vehicles and protective clothing. In this way, it was possible to realise the cash transporter with a tare weight of 3,150 kilograms, including the armour. “Its battery charge allows for about 120 to 130 kilometres of range. That is absolutely sufficient for our tours in the urban area” tells Alexander Lange, who manages Prosegur’s fleet. “Our electric money transporter travels 70 to 90 kilometres per day. There is still enough range left over as a safety reserve.”
Prosegur has been using the MAN eTGE since September 2020. It has since been integrated into normal operations. The test phase has been successfully completed. The proof is in: environmentally friendly transport of valuables without local emissions is feasible. The electric version has proven itself very well. “As a company with a large fleet of vehicles, we want to make an important contribution to climate protection, so there is no way around electric cash-in-transit vehicles,” announces Jochen Werne. The Chief Development Officer of Prosegur in Germany estimates: “A large part of our tours – especially in urban areas – can be realised with battery-electric vehicles.” For supra-regional shuttle transports, according to the current state of the art, another drive solution with a higher range is still required.
At Prosegur, the changeover to electric mobility will take place in carefully coordinated steps. Jochen Werne emphasises that in addition to the purchase costs of the vehicles – the fleet comprises 900 cash-in-transit vehicles and 300 service vehicles – additional costs must be calculated for setting up the charging infrastructure. Until now, the MAN eTGE has been charged overnight at a simple 230-volt socket. After around eight hours, the battery is full again. “In order to fully exploit the advantages of electric mobility, high-performance charging stations are of course indispensable,” Werne explains. Despite the necessary investments, the head of development at Prosegur also sees a great economic opportunity in electromobility: “In a long-term total cost consideration, this technology can even save money.”
A sign for climate protection In Potsdam, Prosegur is setting a clearly visible example for climate protection with the MAN eTGE.
In contrast, the money messengers Uwe E. and Andreas H. want to attract as little attention as possible to their risky job. For each customer, they park as close as possible to the entrance. Uwe E. quickly slips into the shelter of the building and soon after back into the vehicle. For the short distance, he carries the valuable cargo in a special transport security device. After completing their rounds, the money messengers drive their “e-tank” through a security gate back to Prosegur’s premises. Safe and clean.
Reflections by Jochen Werne, Chief Development & Chief Visionary Officer Prosegur Germany (published in Prosegur Express 02/2021)
In all debates on analogue and digital means of payment, “trust” is always at the centre of the discussion: trust in the state-social order, which stands as a guarantor for stability and security of the fiat money issued. In this respect, some would almost like to marvel at how Bitcoin & Co. have managed to gain such trust in such a short time that a market capitalisation in the billions has been achieved. One of the points is certainly the technological confidence in the non-manipulability of the blockchain. But is the blockchain really not manipulable, or is it rather a question of time before an attack will succeed? And what conclusions are central banks around the world drawing from this as they look at creating central bank digital currencies? Currencies designed to bridge the gap between the stability of analogue central bank money and the demands of our digital age.
Perhaps the solution for a trustworthy and generally accepted today and now lies in a hybrid model: in a cryptocurrency, in form of a stablecoin, that is 100 per cent backed by physical central bank money. This means that every digital token has a unique physical counterpart (euro). Due to the tradability of the tokens, the flexibility of book money is paired with the guarantee of physical central bank money. Last but not least, a regulated trustee function guarantees that the existing and securely stored central bank money is always paired with its digital twin. Thus. the best of both worlds is firmly united.
It is with great pride that we hold the Gold Stevie Award 2021 in our hands. The award is representative of so many at Prosegur who work every day to make the company once again a pioneer in the industry when it comes to e-mobility and sustainability.
The organizers of the Stevie® Awards 2021 have announced their winners: In the category for special achievements in the field of product innovation, Prosegur Germany has been awarded as GOLD STEVIE® WINNER. With the world’s first fully electric armored MAN eTGE cash-in-transit vehicle, the international jury of experts was convinced. This makes Prosegur Germany one of the winners – alongside other award-winning companies such as Deutsche Post DHL Group, Deutsche Telekom Services Europe SE or Vodafone GmbH.
It was a great day to experience live with MAN and my Prosegur colleagues how the world’s first all-electric CIT van performs. Many thanks to MAN for producing an excellent report on this great achievement, which takes our company another step closer to achieving the climate targets we set ourselves by signing the Climate Pledge.