Harnessing Data for Good

After my first week as CEO for Experian in the DACH region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland), I find myself profoundly thankful for the warm welcome and the many highly inspiring encounters with some of the best data and technology professionals on our planet. Experian is not only a data insights industry titan, one that operates in 32 countries, employs over 20,000 outstanding personalities worldwide but would also rank with its more than USD 30 billion market capitalisation compared to Germany’s leading stock index as the 19th largest DAX company in Germany. Experian serves as a global leader millions of consumers and businesses, leveraging data to make a transformative difference in people’s lives.

Yet, with tremendous reach and influence comes immense responsibility.


Just as the Age of Enlightenment in the 18th century reshaped society through the dissemination of knowledge, we find ourselves at the precipice of a new era, one marked by the power and potential of data. The 21st century, in my view, must herald a fresh Age of Enlightenment, one underpinned by data literacy.

The Age of Enlightenment, Literacy and the Dawn of Data Literacy

The Age of Enlightenment, a period dating from the late 17th to the late 18th century, marked a profound shift in the course of human history. This era, also known as the Age of Reason, encouraged critical thinking, decoupling minds from the shackles of superstition and unquestioned authority. The spotlight was placed firmly on rational thought, scientific inquiry, and individual rights – underpinnings of the modern world as we know it.

Several factors catalyzed this significant shift, not least of which was the advent and proliferation of printing technology. As philosopher Immanuel Kant noted, “Dare to know! Have the courage to use your own understanding,” a statement that encapsulates the Enlightenment’s spirit. This courage was largely fostered through increasing literacy rates.

The advent of the printing press revolutionized the dissemination of information. Books were no longer a luxury exclusive to the elite; knowledge became democratized. This sparked an increased demand for literacy. As more people learned to read, ideas were more freely exchanged, fueling a critical examination of existing societal structures.

For example, “The Encyclopédie,” a massive reference work edited by Denis Diderot and Jean le Rond d’Alembert, exemplified the spread of Enlightenment thinking. Its contributors, including leading intellectuals like Voltaire and Rousseau, aimed to collate all the world’s knowledge into a single work, accessible to the common man. This unprecedented venture into free access to knowledge set the stage for many of the democratic, scientific, and industrial revolutions that followed.

Fast forward to the present day, we see parallels in the advent of the internet, a digital revolution that democratizes information at a scale unimaginable to the Enlightenment thinkers. However, this superabundance of information has led to a paradoxical effect. As stated by Nobel Laureate Herbert A. Simon, “a wealth of information creates a poverty of attention.”

In an age characterised by short attention spans and reactionary behaviour, the challenge lies not in accessing information but in sifting through its vastness to discern truth from falsehood. A study conducted by Microsoft, 2015, found that the average human attention span has dropped to eight seconds, primarily due to the digitalised lifestyle.

Like the literacy of the Enlightenment Age, the 21st century calls for a new form of literacy: data literacy.

In a world where data is hailed as the new oil, our ability to critically interpret, analyse, and question data is of paramount importance. This skill set empowers individuals and corporations to make informed decisions, a process integral to our society.

In a report by The Data Literacy Project of which also Experian is a partner, only 21% of the global working population was confident in their data literacy skills. This gap highlights the pressing need for an educational shift towards fostering data literacy, much like the push for literacy during the Enlightenment era.

In conclusion, as we navigate the information deluge, a new Age of Enlightenment beckons, one centered around data literacy. With this new ‘Enlightenment,’ we can harness the true potential of information abundance, steering our societies towards more informed, rational, and democratic spaces. As the Enlightenment thinker Voltaire wisely said, “Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.” This insight seems more pertinent now than ever.

Such a renewed Age of Enlightenment also draws inspiration from one of the original Enlightenment’s most influential thinkers, Immanuel Kant. As he famously stated, “Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity.” To transpose his wisdom to our context, data literacy and the effective application of data might be seen as emergence from a state of technological immaturity.

Furthermore, in our modern context, the Enlightenment’s emphasis on reason and logic has a fascinating analogue in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). AI, a critical tool in making sense of complex data, is designed to mimic human reasoning, albeit on a scale and at speeds we could never achieve unaided. As such, it holds a pivotal role in our future, helping us glean insights from the vast sea of data.

However, while AI’s potential is significant, it further underlines the importance of data literacy. The algorithms that power AI are only as good as the data that feeds them. Poor understanding of data and its nuances can lead to skewed AI outputs, with far-reaching implications.

Leaders in data need to focus on responsible use of AI by promoting data literacy and improving understanding of the interplay between data and AI.

New Enlightenment, then, is a journey towards a mature, informed society that harnesses the power of data and AI for good. In this era, knowledge isn’t just power; it’s the key to creating a world where data and technology act as catalysts for positive change.

In this new age, data is not merely a collection of numbers, facts, or figures; it is a powerful tool for understanding and addressing the most pressing societal issues.

However, just as literacy was not universal during the initial Enlightenment, data literacy is not yet a universal skill. As a society, we need to foster an understanding of data, how it’s collected, how it’s used, and most importantly, how it can be used ethically and responsibly.

Harnessing Data for Good – The Experian way

Experian, as a data powerhouse, has a crucial role to play in this journey. Experian has been a pioneer in harnessing data for good, from helping individuals gain access to credit, to assisting businesses flourish, to aiding governments in delivering crucial services.

For the DACH region specifically, the path to growth is intertwined with our mission to empower individuals and corporations with data and to protect from risks. In our regional market in the heart of Europe, we see significant potential to enhance consumer and corporate credit, improve business services, and support governmental programs.

Trust, innovation and reliability go hand in hand

To achieve this goal, we need to aim high and develop state-of-the-art products like AiDRIAN, which, by intelligently combining and using the latest AI technologies and data, are able to protect customers from fraud with more than 99.9% accuracy. Developing trustworthy solutions is of paramount importance. Trust comes from long-term reliability and independent audits. For AiDRIAN, for example, Fraunhofer IPA audited the heart of the solution, the Transaction Miner. The machine learning model compares several hundred customer characteristics and then assesses the risk of a transaction. Millions of data records are evaluated in a matter of seconds. Fraunhofer therefore came to the test result that the Miner’s predictive power is comprehensible even to experts and leads to better decisions.

Such results are only achievable by having an exemplary team.

The Experian DACH team, which I had the pleasure of meeting during my first week, is made up of dedicated, forward-thinking people who understand that work is not just about data, but about using data as a tool for progress and prosperity. A team that is eager to innovate, build trust, and act as responsible stewards of the data – every single day. As we delve deeper into a new era, we should aim to be instrumental in fostering a society that uses data ethically, responsibly, and for the greater good.

The Enlightenment brought knowledge to the masses, revolutionizing societies, and shaping the modern world. It is my belief, a new Age of Enlightenment will bring data literacy to all, empowering societies in ways we are just beginning to imagine.

I am excited and honoured to be a part of this transformative journey.

Expedition Andaman Sea supports UNEP’s Clean Seas Initiative

Andaman Sea Beach Cleaning

Following the inspiring examples of only.one, beachcleaner.de, blue-awareness.com and many others, the Global Offshore Sailing Team also followed its long-standing tradition of standing up for the sea by supporting UNEP’s Global Goals during Expedition Andaman Sea 2023. The Expedition Corps consisted of Guido Zoeller, Jochen Werne, Benon Janos, Marco Schroeter, Sascha Adam, Sven O. Mueller, Sven Streiter, Christoph Impekoven and Viktor Metz.

On 19 April 2023, the team landed on the remote tiny southern beach of Ko Hi. Despite its remoteness, the beach contained an enormous amount of plastic waste that had accumulated there over the years. The team cleaned parts of the beach and brought everything possible to the base, where it is now sent to the recycling process.

UNEP’s Clean Seas Initiative and the Valiant Efforts of the Global Offshore Sailing Team

The United Nations Environment Programme’s (UNEP) Clean Seas Initiative is a vital global effort aimed at combating marine plastic pollution, a pressing environmental issue that threatens the health of our oceans and marine life. By rallying governments, businesses, and individuals to take decisive action, the Clean Seas Initiative is making significant strides towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 14: Life Below Water. A shining example of dedicated environmental stewardship is the Global Offshore Sailing Team (GOST), whose remarkable contributions have been recognized with the prestigious Bavarian States Medal.

Launched in 2017, UNEP’s Clean Seas Initiative has been instrumental in raising awareness and promoting effective solutions to tackle marine pollution. It engages stakeholders at various levels, encouraging them to adopt sustainable practices, reduce plastic production and consumption, and implement policies that protect the world’s oceans. As a result, the initiative has made considerable progress in fulfilling the targets set under SDG 14, which focuses on conserving and sustainably using marine resources.

The Global Offshore Sailing Team, a passionate group of sailors and environmentalists, has been a crucial ally in this fight against marine plastic pollution. Through their expeditions, GOST has taken the message of the Clean Seas Initiative to the most remote and inaccessible parts of the world’s oceans. Their dedication to raising awareness, conducting research, and collecting vital data on the impact of plastic pollution on marine ecosystems is unparalleled.

Throughout their journeys, GOST has engaged with local communities, schools, and institutions, empowering them with knowledge and resources to join the battle against marine pollution. They have also forged partnerships with various organizations, further amplifying the reach and impact of the Clean Seas Initiative.

In recognition of their unwavering commitment to environmental conservation, the Global Offshore Sailing Team was recently awarded the Bavarian States Medal. This prestigious honor reflects the immense value of GOST’s work in championing the goals of the UNEP’s Clean Seas Initiative and their broader contributions to the global sustainability agenda.

The achievements of the Clean Seas Initiative and the Global Offshore Sailing Team are a testament to the power of collective action in addressing the urgent issue of marine plastic pollution. Their inspiring efforts serve as a reminder that every individual, community, and organization has a role to play in safeguarding the health of our oceans and preserving them for future generations.

METAVERSE. Hype or Disruptive Technology?

It is my great pleasure to join some of Europe’s leading B2B marketing and e-commerce experts at this year’s PROJECT NETWORKS STRATEGY SUMMIT to discuss the potential that arises from technological advances and initiatives such as the Metaverse. In the introductory keynote on the topic, I will explore the following topics in more depth:

Keynote: METAVERSE. Hype or all-changing?

The History of the Metaverse: From Snow Crash to Google Maps and Mark Zuckerberg’s $10 billion visions of a digital world.
Is the Metaverse becoming a reality?
Data: Be prepared – The Metaverse will increase the demand for for data engineers and AI developers
Marketing in the Metaverse

For everyone who‘s already interested to prepare for the disussion, a quick introduction by OpenAI‘s ChatGPT to the topic: METAVERSE. Hype or Disruptive Technology

The metaverse is a term that has gained popularity in recent years. It refers to a virtual world where people can interact with each other through avatars and digital goods. Some consider the metaverse to be hype, others see it as a breakthrough technology that will change various aspects of our lives. This paper will explore the concept of the metaverse and evaluate whether it is hype or a disruptive technology.

First of all, it is important to understand what the metaverse is and how it works. The metaverse is a collective, virtual, shared space created through the convergence of various technologies, including augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), blockchain and the Internet of Things (IoT).^1 The metaverse provides a multidimensional experience that allows users to interact in real time with each other, digital assets and real objects. The idea of the metaverse is not new and has already been taken up in various media such as films, video games and books. However, recent technological advances have made it possible to create a metaverse that is closer to reality.

One of the main arguments for the metaverse being hype is that it is still at an early stage of development and there is much speculation about its possible uses. Currently, the best-known example of the metaverse is the popular online game Second Life, which was launched in 2003.^2 Second Life has successfully created a virtual world in which users can interact with each other, but it has not had a significant impact on the real world. Moreover, current applications of the metaverse are limited to games, social networking and digital art. This has led some to believe that the metaverse is hype and will not have a significant impact on society.

On the other hand, the metaverse has the potential to be a disruptive technology that will change various aspects of our lives. One of the most important areas where the metaverse could have an impact is the economy. The metaverse enables the creation and exchange of digital goods that can have real value. This has led to the emergence of non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which are unique digital assets that can be bought and sold on the blockchain. By 2021, the market for NFTs reached $2.5 billion, and is expected to continue growing in the coming years.^3 The metaverse has also opened up new opportunities for businesses, including virtual real estate, advertising and e-commerce.

Another area where the metaverse could have an impact is education. The metaverse offers a new way of learning that is immersive and interactive. For example, students could use the metaverse to research historical events, visit different countries or even explore space. This would allow for a more engaging and memorable learning experience that could lead to better academic outcomes.

In conclusion, although considered hype by some, the metaverse has the potential to be a disruptive technology that will change various aspects of our lives. The metaverse offers a new way of interacting with each other, with digital goods and with the real world. It has the potential to revolutionise business, education and other areas of our lives. Although the metaverse is still at an early stage of development, it is clear that it will continue to be of interest to researchers, entrepreneurs and investors in the years to come.


Al-Rikabi, A. (2020). Metaverse: A virtual shared space. Advanced Science News, 7(9), 1903421.
Wagner, J. (2021). The story of the metaverse. VentureBeat.
Statista. (2021). Market capitalisation of non-fungible tokens

Expedition Andaman Sea promotes international understanding and environmental awareness

The Global Offshore Sailing Team is proud to announce that we will be organizing an Expedition Andaman Sea from April 14th to 22nd, 2022. This expedition is being held to promote international understanding and environmental awareness for this geopolitically important and naturally beautiful region.

One of the highlights of the expedition will be a wreath laying ceremony to honor and pay tribute to those who have worked for peace in this important geopolitical region and for the promotion of the conservation of the Andaman Sea’s beautiful nature. This ceremony will be an homage to the rich values and culture of Thailand and its people, whose engagement is key to the Andaman Sea.

We invite all individuals and organizations who are committed to these values to join us in this important expedition and contribute to our mission of promoting understanding and awareness in this important part of the world.



“Expedition Andaman Sea aims to promote international understanding and support international relations by creating awareness about the geopolitical importance of the Andaman Sea region. As part of this goal, the expedition will lay a wreath to honor and commemorate those who have served and engaged themselves for peace in the Andaman Sea. This gesture serves to underscore the importance of peace and stability in the region and the efforts of those who have worked towards this goal.”

Jochen Werne – Expedition Leader

„The Andaman Sea is a vital and diverse maritime ecosystem that is essential to the health and productivity of the region. From its abundant marine life to its stunning coral reefs, the Andaman Sea is a treasure worth protecting. The protection of this ecosystem is closely tied to the United Nations‘ sustainable development goals, and it is a major goal of Expedition Andaman Sea to promote these goals and the initiatives being undertaken to support them. Join us on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure and help us raise awareness about the importance of preserving the beauty and prosperity of the Andaman Sea for generations to come.“

Guido Zoeller – Co-Founder Global Offshore Sailing Team

Technological Breakthroughs: A Beacon of Hope for the Future

After a challenging 2022 this year ends with HOPE due to a rally of technological innovation breakthroughs. Technological progress has the potential to help address many of the challenges facing the world today, including the energy crisis, the need for better education, and financial inclusion. Three of them shall be brought to your attention: 1. CLEAN ENERGY – Breakthrough in nuclear fusion technology; 2. EDUCATION – ChatGPT is changing the way to experience artificial intelligence; 3. PRIVACY & FINANCIAL INCLUSION – New compliant pathways for privacy and security in the blockchain-based financial ecosystem

Breakthrough in nuclear fusion technology

One area where technology is helping to address the energy crisis is through the development of nuclear fusion as a potential source of clean, abundant energy. Nuclear fusion is a process in which atomic nuclei combine to release energy, and it has the potential to provide a virtually limitless source of energy with low carbon emissions. While significant progress has been made in developing fusion technology, it is still in the early stages of development and has not yet been fully commercialized. However, the potential for nuclear fusion to help address the energy crisis makes it a promising area of research and development.

In December 2022 the National Ignition Facility (NIF) has successfully sparked a fusion reaction that released more energy than went into it. Even though there’s still a long way to go toward fusion as a clean energy source, this step can be considered as a major step forward.


ChatGPT changes the way you experience artificial intelligence

ChatGPT, also known as OpenAI’s GPT-3 Chatbot API, is a natural language processing (NLP) tool developed by OpenAI. It is based on the GPT-3 model, which is a large, advanced AI language model that is capable of generating human-like text.

Overall, ChatGPT is changing the way we experience and interact with AI by making it easier to build and deploy chatbot applications that can understand and respond to user input in a natural, human-like way.

ChatGPT can be used to build chatbots and other NLP applications that can understand and respond to user input in a natural, human-like way. It is designed to be easy to use and integrate into existing systems, allowing developers to quickly build and deploy chatbot applications without the need for extensive training data.

One advantage of ChatGPT is its ability to understand and respond to a wide range of inputs and topics. It is trained on a large dataset of text and has the ability to generate coherent and contextually appropriate responses to a variety of inputs. This can make it a useful tool for building chatbots and other NLP applications that need to handle a wide range of queries and topics.

(Text has been created by ChatGPT)


New compliant pathways for privacy and security in the blockchain-based financial ecosystem

Innovation in blockchain privacy can bring a number of advantages to the financial ecosystem, particularly in terms of increasing the security and confidentiality of transactions. By combining this innovation with a 100% collateralized stablecoin, it is possible to create a more secure and stable digital currency that can be used for a wide range of financial transactions.

One advantage of using a 100% collateralized coin is that it is pegged to a specific asset, such as a fiat currency or commodity, which helps to stabilize its value and reduce price volatility. This can make it more attractive to users, as it reduces the risk of loss due to price fluctuations. The German Digital Cash GmbH just announced to have issued the first 100% compliant, central-bank-money-backed, Made in Germany, Euro-coin on UniSwap, called Digital Cash Euro (DCEUR). READ MORE ON THE DCEUR HERE

In terms of privacy, a blockchain-based stablecoin that incorporates innovative privacy features can help to protect the confidentiality of transactions by making it more difficult for outsiders to track and monitor them. This can be particularly useful for financial institutions and individuals.

Researchers from German crypto blockchain-based payments fintech etonec and other organizations have proposed using zero-knowledge proofs to ensure regulatory compliance and privacy in stablecoins. They have created a design that allows fiat-based stablecoins to be used like cash, within limits.

Dr. Jonas Gross, states on December 15, 2022 to CoinTelegraph: “How can privacy for digital payments be preserved, while ensuring stability and regulatory compliance? In this feasibility study co-authored by @etonec_gmbh@MinaFoundation@Privatbank1796, and @SnT_uni_lu we show how it can be done.“ FIND THE THE FULL STUDY HERE

Overall, the combination of a 100% collateralized stablecoin with innovative privacy features can bring a number of benefits to the financial ecosystem, including increased security, stability, and confidentiality.


Overall, technological progress has the potential to help address many of the challenges facing the world today, and it will likely continue to play a crucial role in finding solutions to these problems in the future.

December 2022 seems to be a good month in this respect. A month that shall give hope.

Supporting the Japanese government in the planning of the “Realising a Global Society” agenda.

Nomura Research Institute, one of the largest think tank in Japan has been appointed by the Government of Japan-Ministry of Economic, Trade, and Industry (METI) to promote the globalization of Japanese and Foreign companies in Japan and to understand the current business & living environment of Japan.

This study is to help the Government of Japan formulate better foreign policies in the future.

It’s with pleasure supporting this initiative, which aims to promote international understanding through exchange.

Read more at Nomura Research Institute (https://www.nri.com) and Japan-Ministry of Economic, Trade, and Industry (METI) (www.meti.go.jp/english/)

One-to-One Interview about passion as driver of success. MonacoEcoArt meets the GlobalOffshoreSailingTeam

In 1999, Guido Zoeller and Jochen Werne founded the Global Offshore Sailing Team (GOST). The mission: to challenge the seven seas to promote international understanding and create environmental awareness. The success was made possible by the highly committed team members and GOST supporters. Each is unique and has dedicated themselves to the set goals in dozens of expeditions from the Andaman Sea to the Arctic Ocean. Through its people’s diplomacy approach, GOST has created a network with the highest echelons of politics, business and diplomacy. In a One-to-One interview with with the highly recognised eco-book author Maurice Abbati, expedition leader Jochen Werne describes how this became possible and why passion, teamwork and inner fire are of utmost importance to achieve great goals.

Enjoy reading the original here

MONACŒCOART® (MonacoEcoART, MŒA enPR= Monaco MyHeart) is a new media editorial project aimed at discovering sustainability from different angles with a special focus on projects, relevant figures, best practices and smart ideas linked to the Principality of Monaco and its vast network.

MŒA One-to-One Interviews

Updated: Nov 19, 2022

Jochen Werne: Innovation and Business, Society and Diplomacy, Ocean and Passion strongly aim at a positive change for the future.

Photo >> Jochen Werne (2022) © J. Werne

International expert in finance and blockchain, head of several private and corporate Banking divisions, keynote speaker, actively committed in diplomacy and economy transformation following the current shift to Sustainable Development as wished by United Nations and major political, technical and business bodies, he is extremely fond of communicating his passion for oceans and the virtuous interlink between human beings and nature. Jochen Werne does believe in the importance of everyone’s potential diplomacy in contributing to keep peace and a balanced approach to preserve natural ecosystems. “Innovation and business, society and diplomacy, ocean and passion are strongly connected and we, together with our different talents in today’s connected world, can push forward with positive change for good everyday”, in these words is enclosed the sense of his enlightened thought. His strong sense of adventure and respect for the scientific world at the service of Nature, led him to be involved in many ocean missions considerably appreciated by H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco and other major Head of States, notably the President of France and Austria. All that brought him to further increase his knowledge and experience. He also launched a targeted international group whose members from all over the world have relevant navalbackgrounds. This body aims at keeping live naval traditions and highlighting the role of ocean expeditions as a cornerstone of world balances.

MONACŒCOART® had the pleasure to collect a meaningful feedback directly from Jochen Werne (J.W.), Co-Founder & Expedition Leader at Global Offshore Sailing Team (GOST).


MONACŒCOART®: Jochen Werne, how did your passion for the oceans and sailing comeabout?

J.W.: As a child growing up in the countryside on the border with Switzerland, the world outside my parents’ home always had a great attraction for me. Notably, the Sea with its magical  sense of endless freedom, adventure and beauty has always been a trigger in my life. And this fascination still inspires me even though I have sailed the seven seas. Maybe it will never disappear. I had my first contact with sailing during school holidays onLake Constance. Then, I joined the navy, where I had the privilege to serve for almost twoyears as a navigator on the three-masted sailing ship ‘Gorch Fock. That finally ignited my passion for the oceans and sailing.

Photo >> The Expedition Blue Ocean 2022 crossing the Tower Bridge in London © GOST

MONACŒCOART®: What values have you learned after so many years of shipping?

J.W.: The most important one is RESPECT. Probably every ocean sailor and mariner would confirm it. As a sailor you experience the marine element in its most breath-taking calm and beauty and its most deadly and dangerous brutality. Respect helps to enjoy one side of the coin and survive the other. Respect leads to this deeper understanding that Nature is in many ways more important and also more powerful than ourselves. The fact that makes us feel humbly is to understand that Nature can always live without us, but we cannot live without Nature. Moreover, a sailor learns how to use Nature to benefit from its power in the best and most sustainable way and to emotionally experience its pure and infinite beauty.

Photo >> Environmental Awareness & Offshore Sailing within ‘Arctic Ocean Raptor’: Sailing to the most northern reachable, partially ice-free points on Planet Earth. Public awareness about the real meltdown of pack ice in Arctic summers will be raised by sailing with a fiberglass sailing yacht to a point just 540 nautical miles or 1.000km away from the North Pole © GOST

MONACŒCOART®: Which marine expedition has shaped you more than others? Why?

J.W.: Every expedition has its uniqueness and therefore it is difficult to prefer one over the others. However, the ‘Arctic Ocean Raptor’ was very special to me. It took us from the northern Norwegian city of Tromsø across what sailors call the ‘devil’s playground’, the Barents Sea, to a spectacular natural habitat called Spitsbergen at 80° North. Despite its up-north location, the climate is quite mild due to the Gulf Stream. As our expedition approached Svalbard after three days of sailing through dense fog, we encountered a huge ice barrier that broke away from the cold eastern side of the island due to the warm conditions and drifted on with the current. This, combined with a 9-bft (= Beaufort scale) storm, made the voyage a real challenge, but also impressively demonstrated the fragility of our ecosystem.

Photo >> H.S..H. Prince Albert II of Monaco welcoming Jochen Werne and other members of GHOST at the Monaco Yacht Club © YCM

MONACŒCOART®: Which measures do you think are most important to preserve marine ecosystems? Why?

J.W.: There is no doubt that before starting a movement or action, awareness must be raised. This step is of utmost importance, otherwise one remains lonely and therefore a committed but silent to action interlocutor. The Principality of Monaco has a long tradition of identifying problems for our marine ecosystem and taking action to make many aware of them. H.S.H. Prince Albert I of Monaco immediately recognised the dangers of bottom fishing with the new means of steam technology. Jacques Cousteau not only served science but brought the beauty of the sea into everyone’s living room with his work behind the camera and inspired new projects to protect the oceans. Last but not least, H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco is the perfect example of how this has not only become Monaco’s heritage but a lived tradition. We are grateful that he has supported us in our expeditions to raise awareness and thus contribute to the conservation of our marine ecosystems.

Photo >> Thorsten Glauber, Bavarian Minister of State, handing over the States Medal to Jochen Werne, Co-Founder of GOST © TMUV

MONACŒCOART®: You have already pointed out several times that scientific and fact-finding missions are particularly effective for intercultural and diplomatic exchange. What makes them instruments of dialogue?

J.W.: Our oceans are the fluid connection between our nations. And even though we are citizens of nations, we all belong to one Planet. As seafarers, we are directly dependent on nature and national thinking takes a back seat. In the daily challenge at sea, nationality, race or gender are not important. What really matters is to achieve our goals as a team, otherwise we will all fail. This also applies to us as a human race. The challenges before us are global challenges that no single nation can solve alone. We need a collective effort, and we have so many examples where the global community has done it together. One of my favourite examples is the Antarctic Treaty, which was negotiated at the height of the First Cold War and still provides the basis for joint peaceful governance of Antarctica today.

Photo >> Antarctic Blanc expedition: the international team held a commemoration ceremony on the historically significant Antarctic volcanic Deception Island, in the name of all supporting states and the United Nations. a wreath of local ice was symbolically formed and laid down in order to pay international tribute to the achievements in the exploration of this unique continent © GOST

MONACŒCOART®: What place does the Principality of Monaco have in the international expeditions that you carry out as part of the Global Offshore Sailing Team (GOST)?

J.W.: We are more than grateful to H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco, the Yacht Club de Monaco, its Board of Directors with Bernard d’Alessandri, Gerd Ziegenfeuter, the staff and members as well as the press for their excellent support in our common tasks. Together we were able to achieve outstanding results. Starting with the expedition ‘Antarctic Blanc2018, which resulted in a state act supported by 19 nations including the United Nations, to the Prince Albert I Memorial Expedition ‘Navigators Heritage’. Together, we have succeeded not only in supporting science, but also in bringing people and nations closer together and raising awareness of the needs of our oceans.

Photo >> Maximino Gómez Alvarez, Vice-President of AIDHNC, giving the “Ancla d’Oro” to Jochen Werne, Co-Founder of Global Offshore Sailing Team (Maritime Museum, Hamburg, 8th May 2016) © GOST

MONACŒCOART®: GOST expeditions have been awarded the highest honours by heads of state and international institutions. What is the recognition to which you are most attached? Why?

J.W.: We are more than grateful to have been honoured with a State Medal for our commitment to environmental protection or with the Ancla d’Oro (Golden Anchor) of the Asociación para la Investigación y Difusión de la Historia Naval de Cuba and the Admiral of the Fleet the Lord Boyce Award for promoting international understanding. Among all the awards, the highest recognition for me is the fascinated smile on a young person’s face when one of the stories of the sea lights the flame of passion for marine elements. It is their spirit that will form the basis for future action. Just as others in the past like Jacques Cousteau have lit a fire in us for the Sea. It is the quote attributed to the brilliant Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, author of the beautiful novel Le Petit Prince, that probably describes it best: If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work and give orders. Instead, teach them to long for the vast, endless sea. ***

? ✒By Maurice Abbati

Money in the digital age

Hot off the press: Money in the digital age – a Springer Gabler book contribution

It was a pleasure contributing in co-authorship with the AI-expert and friend Dr. Johannes Winter / Jochen Werne to this new Springer Gabler publication ”Praxisbeispiele der Digitalisierung” (Best Practice of Digitilisation) which is available now as e-book and paperback at https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-658-37903-2

Cash, Book Money, Crypto Currencies and the Digital Euro

The aim of the chapter in the book is a contribution to the debate of money in the digital age. It combines historical insights into the meaning of money with the latest technological developments, to compare visions of the financial industry with realities and to develop options for action to shape the digital transformation of money.

Abstract: In a world where tech companies are leading campaigns to create a new cryptocurrency and bitcoin is surpassing the US$50,000 mark because a visionary electric car maker wants to recognise the cryptocurrency as a means of payment, some fundamental questions arise: how must money be defined in a digital world to reliably fulfil the characteristics of a universally recognised store of value and medium of exchange? And what changes are in store for the financial industry when so-called stablecoins proliferate and challenge the banks’ classic deposit business and their outdated business models? The aim of this contribution to the debate is to combine historical insights into the meaning of money with the latest technological developments in the digital age, to compare visions of the financial industry with realities and to develop options for action for shaping the digital transformation of money.

All contributions to the book

  1. Management
    1. Front MatterPages 1-1
    2. Chancen und Risiken der digitalen Transformation
      • Mark Harwardt, Andre M. SchmuttePages 3-29
    3. Der Enterprise Transformation Cycle
      • Peter F. -J. SteinhoffPages 31-45
    4. Künstliche Intelligenz für die Geschäftsmodellinnovation
      • Johannes WinterPages 47-64
    5. Künstliche Intelligenz im Management
      • Jeanette Kalimeris, Sabrina Renz, Sebastian Hofreiter, Matthias SpörrlePages 65-82
    6. Bargeld, Buchgeld, Kryptowährungen und digitaler Euro
      • Jochen Werne, Johannes WinterPages 83-99
  2. Marketing
    1. Front MatterPages 101-101
    2. Elektronische Marktplätze – Potenziale, Vor- und Nachteile der Online-Intermediäre
      • Mark Harwardt, Vanessa Julia HaselhoffPages 103-135
    3. Digitale Plattformen – Grundlagen, Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze
      • Vanessa Julia Haselhoff, Mark HarwardtPages 137-158
    4. Digital Transformation of the Commercial Functions of B2B Companies
      • Axel SteuernagelPages 159-195
    5. Digitale Customer Journey
      • Benjamin BirzerPages 197-210
    6. Service Design in einer digitalisierten Omnikanalwelt: von Kundenreisen und der Möglichkeit zu scheitern
      • Andreas SchölerPages 211-233
  3. Organisation
    1. Front MatterPages 235-235
    2. Herleitung eines möglichen Qualitätssicherungskonzepts für digitale M-Health-Angebote in der Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung
      • Mathias Bellinghausen, Luisa Maria Waerdt, Heiko BaumeisterPages 237-269
    3. Fragilität, Resilienz, Antifragilität von Organisationen: Implikation für digitale Strukturen
      • Thomas Heinrich Steiner, Christian Hager, Matthias SpörrlePages 271-289
    4. Consulting 4.0
      • Jessica NagelPages 291-297
  4. Sport- und Eventmanagement
    1. Front MatterPages 299-299
    2. Eventisierung und Digitalisierung von Sportevents – ein Ausblick auf die Sportveranstaltungen der Zukunft
      • Thomas Apitzsch, Katharina Schöttl, Florian Kainz, Oliver AngermüllerPages 301-308
    3. Eventmanagement 2.0 – Veranstaltungsplanung und -umsetzung im Zeichen der Digitalisierung
      • Thomas Apitzsch, Michael Pfleger, Frederike HaberlandPages 309-325

About Springer Gabler

Springer Gabler Verlag is the leading specialist publisher for the business sector. Its classic and digital teaching materials and specialist media address current business questions and provide reliable, practical solutions.

Trends in Society & Security – Thought Leaders Discussion at the Future Summit

It was a pleasure and inspiration discussing with other thought leaders future relevant trends in society and security. 

As follow-up to their keynotes and moderated by Stefanie Dreyer, the panel participants Daniel Kroos (OSCE – Organisation for Security and Collaboration in Europe), Steven Koleczko (DGC – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Cybersicherheit), Jay Tuck (Investigative Journalist) and Jochen Werne (Prosegur Germany & Prosegur Crypto) discussed impacts of technological changes on society and security. The panel took place during the 25th anniversary of the Hamburg@Work Future Summit on the historic freight ship Cap San Diego in the port of Hamburg and consisted of outstanding streams on digital future trends with Nils Müller – Trendone, political trends with Federal Minister Wolfgang Schmidt, Dr. Thomas Mirow – Senator ret. Hansestadt Hamburg, Dr. Carsten Brosda – Senator Hansestadt Hamburg, Prof. Henning Voepel – cep, Centrum für Europäische Politik, Thomas Fuchs – Hamburgische Beauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit, technological trends with Dalits Steiger – SwissCognitive, Dr. Mira Wolf-Bauwens – IBM Research Europe  

Congratulations to the board and the team of Hamburg@Work under the leadership of Uwe-Jens Neumann for this outstanding achievement.

Details are available at: https://www.digitalcluster.hamburg/de/events/2022-09-22%2025th%20Anniversary%20SUMMIT-232933

From Antarctica to Artificial Intelligence

of the Siemens Graduate Program

and thank you for the invitation to take a thought-provocing journey together from Antarctica to Artificial Intelligence.

A New Age of Enlightenment? Human Behaviour in the Light of New Technologies. From Antarctica to Artificial Intelligence, a human-made journey between madness and brilliance. By reflecting carefully human mankind’s past, we discover a quite schizophrenic story of partial madness and absolute brilliance, not only when it comes to the use of new technologies.

The talk will show how new technological approaches influenced visionary leaders in science, business and politics. The goal of the talk is to inspire the audience to understand and to take their role as leaders for change for good in their company as well as in society.

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